Available positions
Postdoc Applicants
We have openings!
We seek the most ambitious and bold-minded postdoctoral researchers who want to make a big difference at the interface of new technology and biological research. Applicants should email Stanley Qi about applying for positions. Please send a single file including a CV and a summary of interested research topics. The applicants should be prepared to send reference letters.
Graduate Students
We have openings!
We look for the most imaginative and courageous students. If you only seek 'safe' projects, this lab is probably not for you. Current Stanford graduate students (PhD or MD) who have high-risk, high-reward ideas are welcome to contact Stanley Qi for opportunities to join the lab. We aim to provide an incubator lab to those who want to achieve the most out-of box concepts.
If you are not admitted to Stanford yet, please apply to the Stanford Graduate Program first. You are welcome to discuss about your genuine interest with Stanley Qi in joining the lab prior to application.
Research Associates
We constantly look for research associates who are fresh graduates or professional researchers to join the lab. RAs are an essential part of the lab for supporting the projects in the lab. Applicants should contact Stanley Qi for inquiries about positions.
Visiting Students
If you are interested in visiting the lab for short-term or long-term research, applicants should contact Stanley Qi for inquiries about positions.
Lab Contact
Stanley Qi Lab
290 Jane Stanford WayStanford, CA 94305
Lab Address
Stanley Qi Lab
290 Jane Stanford Way
ChEM-H/Neuroscience Building W117
Stanford, CA 94305-4125
We appreciate the generous support from our supporters!
National Science Foundation
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
California Institutes of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
Group Photos
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