The Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences clinics at Stanford Health Care (SHC) offer expedited access to mental health care for actively enrolled Stanford University Students. No referral is needed.
Please note: Due to the high demand for mental health care, we are not able to provide same day appointments or assistance to walk-in patients seeking to establish care.
During business hours of 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday; please feel free to call 650-723-0280, as there are no call wait times, and a New Patient Coordinator can help to expedite yourself refer to our clinic. Save time by avoiding the form and giving us a call during business hours.
Submit the Registration Form
For expedited access to care, please complete the Registration Form by selecting the link or scanning the QR code to the right and a New Patient Coordinator will contact you to initiate services.
Create a MyHealth Account
Once the Registration Form has been submitted, please proceed to MyHealth at Stanford to create a SHC MyHealth account (if you do not already have one) so that we may send you updates and communication about your appointments.
In case of emergency
For urgent or life-threatening mental health needs, please call 911 or visit your nearest hospital emergency department.
For immediate crisis intervention, text 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line, or dial the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Outpatient Psychiatry Clinics
The Stanford Psychiatry Clinics provide comprehensive outpatient behavioral health and psychiatric care for adults (18 and older), addressing a wide range of disorders. Consultation and ongoing treatment is provided by faculty physicians and psychologists, as well as post-doctoral psychology fellows, psychiatry residents, nurse practitioners, and social workers.