News Mentions for the week of December 23, 2024

Our faculty often provide insight on current events and topics in the news.
Explore some of the articles that they have contributed to or been quoted in recently below.

  • PsyPost - Psychology News

    Scientists reveal dopamine and serotonin's opposing roles in fascinating neuroscience breakthrough

    Stanford researchers found that dopamine and serotonin work in opposition, like an accelerator and brake, to balance reward learning and decision-making, requiring both systems to function together for effective learning and behavioral flexibility. The study, “Opponent control of reinforcement by striatal dopamine and serotonin,” was authored by Daniel Cardozo Pinto, Matthew Pomrenze, Michaela Guo, Gavin Touponse, Allen Chen, Brandon Bentzley, Neir Eshel, and Robert Malenka.

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