Book chapters
- Eaton ML, Kwon BK, Scott CT. (2015) Money and Morals: Stopping clinical trials for financial reasons. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. Vol. 17: 297-315. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
Publications: peer reviewed
- Sharma A and Scott CT. (2015) The ethics of publishing human germline research. Nature Biotechnology (in press).
- Sherkow J and Scott CT. (2015) Stem cell patents after the American Invents Act. Cell Stem Cell 16:461-464.
- Scott CT. (2015) Backwards by Design: Integrating ethics, law, and social issues into a stem cell science curriculum. Hastings Center Reports May-June, p 26-32.
- Scott CT and Senatore V. (2015) Europe’s landmark decisions on stem cell patents: Hope or mere illusion? American Intellectual Property Law Association Quarterly Journal (in press).
- Scott CT. (2015) The case for stem cell counselors. Stem Cell Reports 4:1-6.
- Scott CT and Magnus D. (2014) Wrongful Termination: Lessons from the Geron stem cell clinical trial. Stem Cells and Translation doi: 10.5966/sctm.2014-0147.
- Caulfield T, Burningham S, Joly Y, Master Z, Shabani M, Scott CT et al. (2014) A review of the key issues associated with the commercialization of biobanks. Journal of Law and the Biosciences 1:94-110.
- Liu EY and Scott CT. (2014) Great Expectations: Autism Spectrum Disorder and induced pluripotent stem cell technologies. Stem Cell Reviews DOI 10.1007/s12015-014-9497-0.
- Chang WC, Bank TC, Scott CT. (2014) Fit to Print: Media accounts of unproven medical treatments across time. American Journal of Bioethics Primary Research DOI:10.1080/21507716.
Publications: reviews, commentaries, and essays
- Scott CT and DeFrancesco L. (2015) Selling Long Life. Nature Biotechnology 33(1):31-40.
- Sherkow, JS and Scott CT (2014) Myriad Stands Alone. Nature Biotechnology 32(7):620.
- Scott CT, Borgelt EY and Lee SS (2014). The time is ripe for an ethics of entrepreneurship. Nature Biotechnology 32(4):316-318.