Program on Stem Cells in Society
Published work from 2014-2015
Book chapters
- Eaton ML, Kwon BK, Scott CT. (2015) Money and Morals: Stopping clinical trials for financial reasons. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. Vol. 17: 297-315. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
Publications: peer reviewed
- Sharma A and Scott CT. (2015) The ethics of publishing human germline research. Nature Biotechnology (in press).
- Sherkow J and Scott CT. (2015) Stem cell patents after the American Invents Act. Cell Stem Cell 16:461-464.
- Scott CT. (2015) Backwards by Design: Integrating ethics, law, and social issues into a stem cell science curriculum. Hastings Center Reports May-June, p 26-32.
- Scott CT and Senatore V. (2015) Europe’s landmark decisions on stem cell patents: Hope or mere illusion? American Intellectual Property Law Association Quarterly Journal (in press).
- Scott CT. (2015) The case for stem cell counselors. Stem Cell Reports 4:1-6.
- Scott CT and Magnus D. (2014) Wrongful Termination: Lessons from the Geron stem cell clinical trial. Stem Cells and Translation doi: 10.5966/sctm.2014-0147.
- Caulfield T, Burningham S, Joly Y, Master Z, Shabani M, Scott CT et al. (2014) A review of the key issues associated with the commercialization of biobanks. Journal of Law and the Biosciences 1:94-110.
- Liu EY and Scott CT. (2014) Great Expectations: Autism Spectrum Disorder and induced pluripotent stem cell technologies. Stem Cell Reviews DOI 10.1007/s12015-014-9497-0.
- Chang WC, Bank TC, Scott CT. (2014) Fit to Print: Media accounts of unproven medical treatments across time. American Journal of Bioethics Primary Research DOI:10.1080/21507716.
Publications: reviews, commentaries, and essays
- Scott CT and DeFrancesco L. (2015) Selling Long Life. Nature Biotechnology 33(1):31-40.
- Sherkow, JS and Scott CT (2014) Myriad Stands Alone. Nature Biotechnology 32(7):620.
- Scott CT, Borgelt EY and Lee SS (2014). The time is ripe for an ethics of entrepreneurship. Nature Biotechnology 32(4):316-318.
Introduction to PSCS
Scientific research into human stem cells may yield cures and therapies for mankind’s most intractable diseases. Clinical outcomes of stem cell therapy – call regenerative medicine – are touted as the future of biomedicine.
But new science often provokes a redefinition of ethical, societal, and legal standards. Stem cells have reignited the debate about the moral status of the embryo. How, as a society, do we balance our responsibilities to the unborn and the sick? Through research, education, and outreach, the Stanford Program in Stem Cells and Society will address this and other important questions.
How to Donate
As a result of federal policy and challenges to the State of California’s stem cell research initiative, there is a critical need from foundations and individuals to support this most promising area of biomedical research. Foundation and private funding will help establish a pioneering program in this most promising area of life sciences, supporting quality leadership and organizational excellence as we endeavor to serve society through rigorous research, education, and outreach programs.
For more information, contact:
Christopher Scott: (650) 725-6103 or Heather Renshaw: (650) 234-0604