Publications – Dr. Nicolls
- Hilgendorff A, Parai K, Ertsey R, Jain N, Navarro EF, Peterson JL, Tamosiuniene R, Nicolls MR, Starcher BC, Rabinovitch M, Bland RD. Inhibiting lung elastase activity enables lung growth in mechanically ventilated newborn mice. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011; 184 (5): 537-46 PMCID: PMC3175547.
- Dhillon GS, Zamora MR, Roos JE, Sheahan D, Sista RR, Van der Starre P, Weill D, Nicolls MR. Lung Transplant Airway Hypoxia: A Diathesis to Fibrosis? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010; 182: 230-236. PMCID: PMC3269232.
- Chung L, Liu J, Parsons L, Hassoun PM, McGoon M, Badesch D, Miller DP, Nicolls MR, Zamanian RT. Characterization of connective tissue disease associated pulmonary arterial hypertension from the Reveal Registry: Identifying systemic sclerosis as a unique phenotype. Chest. 2010; 138:1383-94. PMID:20507945.
- Erzurum S, Rounds SI, Stevens T, Aldred M, Aliotta J, Archer SL, Asosingh K, Balaban R, Bauer N, Bhattacharya J, Bogaard H, Choudhary G, Dorn Ii GW, Dweik R, Fagan K, Fallon M, Finkel T, Geraci M, Gladwin MT, Hassoun PM, Humbert M, Kaminski N, Kawut SM, Loscalzo J, McDonald D, McMurtry IF, Newman J, Nicolls M, Rabinovitch M, Shizuru J, Oka M, Polgar P, Rodman D, Schumacker P, Stenmark K, Tuder R, Voelkel N, Sullivan E, Weinshilboum R, Yoder MC, Zhao Y, Gail D, Moore TM. Strategic Plan for Lung Vascular Research: An NHLBI-ORDR Workshop Report. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010;182: 1554-62. PMCID: PMC3029941.
- Hanaoka M, Nicolls MR, Fontenot AP, Kraskauskas D, Mack DG, Kratzer A, Salys J, Kraskauskiene V, Burns N, Voelkel NF, Taraseviciene-Stewart L. Immunomodulatory Strategies Prevent the Development of Autoimmune Emphysema. Respir Res. 2010; 11: 1-11. PMCID: PMC3009635.
- Jiang X, Khan MA, Tian W, Beilke J, Natarajan R, Yoder MC,. Semenza GL, Nicolls MR. Adenovirus-mediated HIF-1α gene transfer promotes repair of mouse airway allograft microvasculature and attenuates chronic rejection. J Clin Invest. 2011; 121: 2336-49. PMCID:PMC3104770.
- Tamosiuniene R, Tian W, Dhillon G, Wang L, Sung YK, Gera L, Patterson AJ, Agrawal R, Rabinovitch M, Ambler K, Long CS, Voelkel NF, Nicolls MR. Regulatory T Cells Limit Vascular Endothelial Injury and Prevent Pulmonary Hypertension. Circ Res. 2011; 109: 867-879. PMCID: PMC3204361.
- Khan MA, Jiang X, Dhillon G, Beilke J, Holers VM, Atkinson C, Tomlinson S, . CD4+ T cells and complement independently mediate graft ischemia in the rejection of mouse orthotopic tracheal transplants. Circ Res. 2011; 109:1290-1301. PMCID: PMC3204361.
- Gomez Arroyo J, Syad AA, Mizuno S, Bogaard HJ, Abbate A, Taraseviciene-Stewart L, Sung Y, Kraskauskas D, Saleem SJ, Farkas D, Conrad DH, Nicolls MR, Voelkel NF. A brief overview of mouse models of pulmonary arterial hypertension: problems and prospects. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 2012; 302 (10) L977-91.PMCID:PMC (in process)
- A full list of publications can be found here.