Current Research and Scholarly Interests
Trevor Hastie specializes in applied statistical modeling, and he has written five books in this area:
"Generalized Additive Models" (with R. Tibshirani, Chapman and Hall,
1991), "Elements of Statistical Learning (second edition)"
(with R. Tibshirani and J. Friedman, Springer 2009),
"An Introduction to Statistical Learning" (with G. James, D. Witten and
R. Tibshirani, Springer 2013),
"Statistical Learning with Sparsity" (with R. Tibshirani and M. Wainwright, CRC Press 2015)
and "Computer Age Statistical Inference" (with B. Efron, Cambridge, 2016). He has also made contributions in
statistical computing, co-editing (with J. Chambers) a large software
library on modeling tools in the S language used in the R computing environment
("Statistical Models in S", Wadsworth, 1992). His current research
focuses on applied problems in biology and genomics, medicine and
industry, in particular data modeling, prediction and classification