Rohollah is a postdoctoral researcher at Prof. Pratx's lab in Radiation Oncology Department at Stanford University. His current research focuses on developing an advanced Tumor-on-a-chip model and its integration with radiotherapy for translational cancer research. Rohollah received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Bioengineering from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2021. During his Ph.D., he joined Prof. Khademhossini's Lab at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) for two years as a visiting researcher. Following his PhD, he joined Prof. Herland’s lab at KTH Royal Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral researcher from Sep. 2021 for two years. His research interests are microfluidics, organ-on-a-chip, cancer research, tissue engineering, and microfabrication.