QiLiang “Q” Chen, MD, PhD, is a pain management anesthesiologist and system neuroscientist at Stanford University and VA Palo Alto Healthcare System (VAPAHCS). He specializes in the treatment of complex chronic pain disorders, such as headaches, migraines, orofacial pain, chronic post-traumatic pain, and chronic post-surgical pain.
Dr. Chen obtained his undergraduate degrees in chemistry and clinical laboratory science from University of Wisconsin - Madison. He then received his MD and PhD in Neuroscience, with a focus on the basic brainstem circuits and mechanisms of endogenous pain modulation, at Oregon Health and Science University. After graduating from medical school, he joined Stanford as an anesthesiology resident in the Fellowship in Anesthesia Research and Medicine (FARM) program, and later completed his subspecialty fellowship training in Pain Management.
He now practices pain medicine and anesthesiology at Stanford and VAPAHCS. He continues his circuit-focused neuroscience research in the basic mechanisms of post-traumatic pain, with the goals of translating this fundamental knowledge to patient care and providing potential new therapeutic targets to help those with pain after injury and polytrauma.