Current Research and Scholarly Interests
My work focuses on several aspects related to public Sleep & Mental Health in the General Population:
- a part of my work explores how depression and sleep disorders are inter-related over long periods of time and what are the aspects on disturbed sleep that increase the risk of developing or relapsing from MDD.
- another part of my effort is centered on understanding better insomnia: what is its clinical spectrum including boundaries, comorbidities and associations to other disorders and what are the medical and psychological consequences and the management of insomnia.
- I am also working actively in developing better techniques to identify individuals with hypersomnolence and Idiopathic Hypersomnia in the general population. To this day, there is no proper way to identify them and to have a clear idea on how prevalent this problem is in the community.
- finally, I am also working with NASA colleagues on the effects of our geophysical environment on our Sleep/Mental state: extreme situations as earthquakes , volcano eruptions, power lines, radiations etc...
In term of collaborations, the Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research Center (SSERC) has extended his role at the international level by increasing the number of Satellites centers In Europe, Asia, South America and North America.
The Center will organize in April an International Congress on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Public Sleep & Mental Health . The presentations will be published by Elsevier.