Dr. Mardi R. Karin is a board certified surgeon with over 20 years of experience, specializing in breast surgery and is Clinical Professor of Surgery in Stanford University Department of Surgery, Section of Surgical Oncology. She was appointed the first Clinical Director of Breast Cancer Care at Stanford Cancer Center South Bay after the new cancer center opened and served in this role from 2016-2019. Dr. Karin specializes in the surgical treatment of breast diseases and cancer. In addition to providing outstanding care, her focus and leadership in breast cancer care includes improving coordinated care for breast cancer treatment both within the Cancer Center and the community.
Dr. Karin has extensive experience in breast surgery, including complex breast cancer skin and nipple sparing procedures in coordination with the plastic surgeon for immediate breast reconstruction and optimal appearance with excellent outcomes. She collaborates closely with Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to provide the best options to patients, including Oncoplastics for optimal aesthetic appearance with breast conservation treatment, in addition to mastectomy with nipple sparing and immediate breast reconstruction. Her clinical research is focused on improving patient outcomes in different aspects of breast surgery, including nipple sparing mastectomy by utilizing MRI blood flow information to preserve important blood flow to reduce complications. She also is involved with advancing surgical techniques to decrease lymphedema rates after axillary lymph node dissection, with lymphatic preservation and possible LYMPHA procedure by the Plastic Reconstructive Microsurgeons. In addition, she works in close collaboration with Medical Oncology to offer the latest most advanced treatments for breast cancer.