Jack Percelay has a 25+ year career in pediatric hospital medicine, beginning before the term hospitalist was invented when he started as an "in-house pediatrician in 1991 at several Bay Area hospitals after a brief career as a civilian primary care pediatrician at local and international US military bases. He has spent the majority of his career in community hospitals where his practice has run the gamut from the general pediatric ward and emergency room, to the PICU and intensive care nurseries, delivery room, and specialized neurologic and neurosurgical units. His work has taken him from San Francisco to New York City with brief stints in Hawaii. In 2015 he moved to Seattle Children's Hospital where he was an Associate Division Chief of Hospital Medicine, and in 2018 returned to the Bay Area joining the Stanford faculty.
He served as the founding chair of the AAP Section on Hospital Medicine, and has also served as the Chair of the AAP Committee on Hospital Care. He served for seven years as the pediatric board member for the Society of Hospital Medicine and has been recognized as a Master of Hospital Medicine by SHM. Additionally, he was an inaugural board member of the American Board of Pediatrics Pediatric Hospital Medicine Subspecialty Board. Areas of interest include pediatric hospital medicine systems of care, patient and family-centered care, BRUEs, billing and coding, and hospitalist roles in the PICU.