Erin Grady, MD, CCD, FACNM, FSNMMI is a nuclear medicine physician at Stanford Hospital and Clinics in Stanford, California. She is actively involved nationally in the SNMMI in multiple capacities including as a Director-at-Large on the SNMMI Board of Directors, chair of the Nuclear Medicine Program Directors, a member of the General Nuclear Medicine Council board, co-chair of the Government Relations Committee and a longstanding member of the Coding and Reimbursement Committee. In addition, she is a past chair of the American Board of Nuclear Medicine and has served on the board of appeals panel, review committee and milestone development committee for Nuclear Medicine and milestone revision committee for Nuclear Radiology at the ACGME. Her areas of research interest include quality, education, radiopharmaceutical therapy and finding answers to clinical questions that arise during the course of practice. She is passionate about education in nuclear medicine, nuclear medicine’s future and is a staunch advocate for patients.