Professional Interests
* Biological Engineering and Micro/Nanomedicine *
- Chip-based biomedical micro and nano-integrated systems for sensing, diagnosis, and therapy; micro and nano-scale biosensors for cells, proteins, DNA
- Biomimetically Inspired Engineered Systems
- Biosensors, Intelligent Medical Devices utilizing machine learning, artificial intelligence and expert systems to improve functionality and performance
- Polymer-based microfludic and silicon micromachined chips for infectious agent detection and re-emerging diseases
- Single molecule imaging and image analysis to study cell:pathogen interactions, molecular beacons for intracellular gene expression analysis, Atomic Force Microscopy, study of viral capsid biomechanics and assembly
- Digital Health, Precision Medicine, Precision Health, Wearable Diagnostics, Implantables, Machine Learning and Precictives
- Microbial and cellular engineering for Cancer applications
- Stimuli responsive polymers such as hydrogels for development of micro/nano-devices for drug delivery and biomedical sensing applications.
- Wireless Passive Theranostic Devices for medical monitoring and intervention
- Robotics
* Genomics/Systems Biology *
- Reverse Engineering of Signal Transduction Networks and Molecular Pathways: SilicoCyte, Virtual Cellular communities
- Applications of genomics and bioinformatics in molecular profiling of cancer. Identification of predictive tumor markers and anti-cancer small molecule drug leads.
- Artificial intelligence-based collaborative software development for Systems Biology: Fuzzy logic, Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms, Expert Systems, Pattern Finding, Data Warehousing
* Gene Therapy/Microbiology/Virology *
- Microbial and cellular engineering
- Experimental Therapeutics and Diagnostics: Endogenously (Self)-Regulated Gene Therapy; Cellular Re-programming, Therapeutic Transgenics, Correction of genetic defects by via gene replacement
- Molecular basis of disease resistance , susceptibility and coordinated gene regulation. Enhancement of disease resistance via manipulation of host immune components, DNA vaccines and therapeutic modulation of signal transduction pathways by small molecule drugs
- Prediction and computational modeling of genome evolution of RNA viruses (Coronaviridae, influenza). Forced evolution of viruses and emergence of new strains or quasi-species formation
- MEMS and Nano-based Biosensors for detection and continious monitoring of airborne biothreat agents
Work Experience
- Deputy Director, Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence for Translational Diagnostics (CCNE-TD), Stanford Univeristy, School of Medicine (1/1/2016 - Present)
- Deputy Director, Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence and Translation (CCNE-T), Stanford University (9/1/2010)
- Deputy Director, Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence focused on Therapy Response (CCNE-TR), Stanford University (5/1/2008)
- Assistant Professor (Nanomedicine Research), Purdue University (4/1/2005 - 5/1/2008)
- Manager, BioMEMS and BioNano Laboratories, Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University (1/1/2005 - 5/1/2008)
- Senior Research Scientist, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University (1/1/2002 - 12/30/2006)
- Manager, BioMEMS Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University (1/1/2002 - 12/30/2006)
- Research Scientist-Genomics, Applied Intelligent Systems Lab, School of Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University (1/1/2000 - 12/30/2001)
- Research Associate, Indiana State ADDL, Purdue University (1/1/1998 - 12/30/2000)
- Research Assistant (Molecular Virology), Department of Comparative Pathobiology, Purdue University (1/1/1993 - 7/30/1998)