In my opinion, global health that is equitable, state-of-the-art, evidence based, skilled and compassionate follows the “Gandhian” uptopic aspirations of personal integrity, personal value, self-reliance, self-dignity and one that is shared without ideology, borders and economic constraints to allow unfettered access to shared community resources and those that are supplemented by marketplace dynamics to balance the needs of health care seekers.and health care providers. Several contemporary models for global health exist including those fostered by Florence Nightingale (for skill, compassion and equity), Albert Schweitzer (for unfettered access of “state-of-art” healthcare to those with economic constraints) and Mother Theresa (for unfettered access to compassion and skilled care during suffering and dying with the absence of ideology), among others. All purveyors of healthcare and allied services are welcome to promote their missionary, personal aspirations for philanthropy, humanity service, good will and governance responsibilities that are best devoid of personal faith ideology, religious fervor or moral superiority. My life skill sets allow me the opportunity to mentor scholarly approaches that are directed towards equitable maternal child health encountered by humanity-at-large.