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- Disclosure of relationships that leaders of academic institutions and medical centers have with industry is important in ensuring the integrity of the mission of these institutions. As of May 2019, I am a member of advisory boards for the following companies for which I receive compensation for my activities: Ancestry, Mammoth Biosciences, Mission Bio, and Sensyne Health. I am also a compensated advisor to General Atlantic, a private equity firm. I am amember of the advisory board of Thrive Global, for which I receive no compensation. As a part of my role as Dean of Medicine at Stanford, I am on an advisory board focused on exploring collaborations between Novartis and academic institutions in the area of digital health. I receive no compensation from Novartis in this role. I own common stock in Apple and in Alphabet. This stock was purchased before any significant digital health collaborations between the Stanford School of Medicine and these companies, and I have not bought or sold stock in these companies since that time.
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