Core Rotations
- Acute Care Clinic at Gardner
- Adolescent Medicine
- Blue / Silver Team (Pediatric Hospital Medicine)
- Community Pediatrics and Child Advocacy
- Continuity Clinic
- Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
- Emergency Medicine - Stanford Healthcare
- Emergency Medicine - Valley Children's Madera
- Endocrinology
- Green Team (GI)
- Heme/Onc
- Infectious Disease
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) - LPCH
- Night Float - Red/Green/Silver
- Night Float - Supervisor
- Night Float - Blue/Yellow
- Packard Intermediate Care Nursery (PICN)
- Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
- Pink Team/Glitter
- Purple Team (Cardiology)
- Quality and Performance Improvement
- Red Team (Renal and Rheumatology)
- SCVMC Family Baby Unit
- SCVMC PICU and Wards
- SCVMC Urgent Care
- Teaching Senior
- Well Baby Nursery
- Yellow Team (Pulmonology)
Rotation Guide & Goals
Welcome to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center! As the county hospital for Santa Clara County, we serve a broad and very diverse population. SCVMC is a 574-bed hospital with a separate pediatric floor containing a 30-bed General Pediatric unit and a 12-bed Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. There is also a very active labor and delivery service with over 4,000 births a year, and a Regional Burn center which is one of only two regional burn trauma centers between Los Angeles and the Oregon state border.
Below, you will find several orientation documents. The 5-minute orientation is the basic orientation to the rotation. The Full rotation summary is a full ACGME compliant listing of the rotation design and goals. And below that are any additional orientation materials.
(SUnet Authorization Required)
Rotation Directors
Lee Trope
Email Lee
Adriana Anavitarte
Email Adriana
Rotation Administrator
Dawn Craver
Email Dawn
Rotation Liaison
Janeet Dhauna