The Pediatric Health Information Sharing Collaborative
Our Mission
Through innovation and advocacy, the Collaborative's goal is to enable effective information sharing across the pediatric and young adult age continuum for both
the Stanford enterprise and the national
pediatric community.
What Do We Do?
The Collaborative is a multidisciplinary lab that strives to identify, understand, and design solutions for the management of digital health information belonging to pediatric patients and their families. The Collaborative focuses on the “knotty” ethical and technical problems affecting pediatrics, with a particular emphasis on the
adolescent and young adult population.
We welcome trainees and other individuals who have an interest in this topic. We enjoy collaboration on operational, quality improvement, and research oriented-projects. Collaborative members have disseminated their scholarship at academic and vendor conferences, as well as in published manuscripts.
Our Team
Our team is a multidisciplinary group of clinicians, analysts, data scientists, project managers, and operational leaders who share a common interest in improving the sharing of health information for the pediatric population.
Examples of Projects
• Enabling Open Notes for Teens
• Developing an NLP to Detect Confidential Language in Progress Notes
• Creating a Confidentiality Check-Point for IS Projects
• Creating a Guardrail System for New Teen Portal Accounts
• Utilizing NLP to Assess Portal Account Accuracy
• Implementing a System for Sharing of Medications with Teens
• Simplifying Portal Account Activation
Find out More?
Location? We meet virtually!
For more information, contact any of the following Peds Dept members:
Jennifer Carlson:
Arash Anoshiravani:
Rachel Goldstein:
Tzielan Lee:
Natalie Pageler: