Pediatrics Researchers' Toolkit

Facilities and Equipment

Meet John and Loan

John Whitin, PhD

Director of Laboratory Research Development

Loan Nguyen

Assistant Director of Laboratory Research Development


Pediatrics Shared Equipment

The Department of Pediatrics' shared equipment is overseen by Dr. John Whitin and Loan Nguyen. 

See what is available: Link to Google Sheet

Also, the Stanford School of Medicine supports a number of shared research facilities housing specialized scientific instruments and services. These include 20+ scientific Service Centers, which are open to all researchers at Stanford.

Stanford's Core Research Facilities

Lab Manager Resources

Translational Resources

MCHRI Clinical Research Support Office (CTSO): Enables innovative, high-quality research to fulfill the mission of Stanford Children’s Health (SCH), by providing operational, informatics, regulatory, and other needed support. 

Center for Innovative Study Design (CISD): Focuses on methodological research for innovative clinical trial design to enable translational medicine. 

Clinical and Translational Research Unit (CTRU): Stanford’s ambulatory and laboratory services research center provides multi-disciplinary clinical and translational research support to accelerate novel bedside diagnostics and treatments. CTRU is capable of offering both adult and pediatric bedside, phlebotomy, dietary, laboratory, and biobanking services. 

Spectrum (CTSA): The Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education aims to catalyze the development of training, services, methods, and process innovations that lead to a more efficient translation of biomedical discoveries into interventions that improve health.

Laboratory for Cell and Gene Medicine: Stanford's GMP facility is an innovative, state-of-the-art cell and gene therapy facility offering end-to-end services. 

Stanford Biobank is a School of Medicine core research facility dedicated to providing all investigators with biobanking resources.

Stanford Cancer Institute’s Tissue Procurement Shared Resource provides support for cancer-related research. 


School of Medicine Upcoming Events: The School of Medicine catalogs and lists upcoming seminars. Sign up for a weekly events mailing list:

Facilities and Other Resources Templates

Need help preparing grants?

Office of Pediatrics Research Development offers free experienced grant writing and pre-award strategic planning 

Grant Writing Academy for grant writing training for graduate students, postdocs, instructiors, and faculty