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PDO Introduction to ARPA-H

Get a quick overview on the funding mechanism for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health—designed to support dynamic teams working on high-potential, high-impact biomedical and health research.

Interview with Dr. Seung Kim on Securing P and U Funding

PDO Director Kiran Kocherlakota sits down with Dr. Seung Kim to discover the secret to his success in programmatic grants and why junior and mid-career researchers should consider applying for larger funding mechanisms as well.

Tailoring Biosketches

PDO specialist, Dr. Heike Schmidlin, provides guidance on how to modify personal statement section in a Biosketch to make it tailored to the grant application.

School of Medicine Proposal Development Office: Services & Support

The Proposal Development Office provides a high level of support and services for Principal Investigators seeking to obtain funding for their projects.

The Director of the PDO, Kiran Kocherlakota, discusses in depth the type of support PIs should expect from the PDO in the Stanford School of Medicine Research Office Town Hall.

Data and Resource Sharing Plans

What should you consider when developing the Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP) and the Resource Sharing Plan (RSP) for NIH grant applications?

PDO specialist Dr. Heike Schmidlin points out the differences between the two plans and the required contents.