Required Core; Elective Clerkship and Sub I Clerkship Information

Core Clerkships

Family Medicine Core Clerkship (MED 301A)

Duration: weeks
Directors: Tracy Rydel, MD; Rika Bajra, MD

Clerkship Coordinator:  Natalie Gonzalez

The Family Medicine Core Clerkship teaches the management of diseases commonly encountered in the ambulatory care setting. Emphasis is placed on patient-centered, efficient, cost-effective medical care of men, women and children of all ages in a variety of settings. Prevention, managed care, and cultural competence are stressed. Didactic workshops are conducted at SUMC and clinic sessions are spent attending patients at ambulatory sites.

Ambulatory Medicine Core Clerkship (MED 313A)
Duration: weeks
Director: Jacqueline Tai-Edmonds, MD

Clerkship Coordinator: Maria Alfonso

The Ambulatory Medicine clerkship (AMC) combines clinic sessions in both general internal medicine and subspecialty medicine. It includes assigned readings, small group discussions, computer-assisted drills, posing and answering clinical questions with critical appraisal of the literature, and problem-based cases to reinforce principles and complexities of diagnosis and management. The didactics emphasize preventive medicine, cardiovascular, respiratory, and endocrinological disorders, and common clinical presentations in outpatient practice.

Selective I

Selective II

Elective Clerkships