October 11 Oct 11
09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
Friday Fri
Registration is Open!

Stanford Pathology Research Retreat 2024

To be held at David and Joan Traitel Building of Hoover Institution — Present and discuss your work with others. Cash prizes in several categories to be presented.

This year's retreat will be held at David and Joan Traitel Building of Hoover Institution

The purpose of our retreat is to allow Stanford Pathology members to become more familiar with the research conducted in the Department, including basic, translational and clinical projects. We hope this will facilitate new opportunities for collaborative studies, research training and enhance prospects for additional funding of such activities.

Whether you are presenting or just attending, please take the time to register for this event.

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! To register click here


David and Joan Traitel Building of Hoover Institution
435 Lasuen Mall
Stanford, CA 94305

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David and Joan Traitel Building of Hoover Institution

435 Lasuen Mall
Stanford, CA 94305
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