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Updates Regarding COVID-19 Advisory
Please note that all Pathology Grand Rounds sessions will be online until further notice.
Pathology Grand Rounds; COVID-19 Speaker Series
Guest Speaker: Matthew Bogyo, PhD
"Chemical tools for imaging cancer and infectious disease"
Zoom meeting ID: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/99623837136?pwd=bm5GUzJCVitScmF2dGhtUW8vODZFdz09
Please note: This meeting requires a password, please contact Roomana Patel at roomana@stanford.edu or 650-725-9352 for more information.
The Pathology Grand Rounds is open to those affiliated with Stanford University Medical Center and invited guests only. The objective is to increase knowledge in the field of Pathology. There is no commercial support received for this course unless otherwise specified.
Matthew Bogyo, PhD
Professor of Pathology and of Microbiology and Immunology and, by courtesy, of Chemical and Systems Biology
Dr. Bogyo received a B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from Bates College in 1993 and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1997. After completion of his degree he was appointed as a Faculty Fellow in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Bogyo served as the Head of Chemical Proteomics at Celera Genomics from 2001 to 2003 while maintaining an Adjunct Faculty appointment at UCSF. In the Summer of 2003 Dr. Bogyo joined the Department of Pathology at Stanford Medical School and was appointed as a faculty member in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology in 2004. His interests are focused on the use of chemistry to study the role of proteases in human disease. In particular his laboratory is currently working on understanding the role of cysteine proteases in tumorgenesis and also in the life cycle of human parasites and bacterial pathogens. Dr. Bogyo currently serves on the Editorial Board of Biochemical Journal, Cell Chemical Biology, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics and is an Academic Editor at PLoS One. Dr. Bogyo is a consultant for several biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies in the Bay Area and is a founder and board member of Akrotome Imaing and Facile Therapeutics.
Some lectures are available via Zoom
Some faculty candidate lectures, conferences, and seminars are available via "Zoom". Zoom access is available to current Stanford University faculty, staff, students, or users with base or fully sponsored SUNet IDs. More information on Zoom please click here: Stanford Zoom. You may need to contact the moderator listed above for Zoom login and password information.