Physician Scientist Incubator Track

About the Program

The Department of Pathology Physician Scientist Incubator Track (PSIT) is a formal career development program for those residents preparing for a career in which the majority of their professional time (generally, 70% or more) will be devoted to extramurally funded basic, translational or clinical research. Typical applicants have a strong research portfolio and have an MD, PhD.

Residency candidates interested in the PSIT are required to meet with department leadership (Chair or Vice Chair of Research) to discuss their candidacy during our interview season. If selected, a commitment will be made during residency recruitment season by the Chair, contingent upon matching.


After completing their clinical residency training, these graduates of our training program are then eligible for up to three years of salary support for postdoctoral research as a faculty instructor with a minor clinical service component. During this three-year period, the Physician Scientist is expected to work closely with her or his mentor to launch a strong research program and apply for external support from the NIH, e.g., K08 award, and foundations. The clinical service component must be discussed with and approved by the appropriate service director and Chair. During the second year of clinical training, a meeting with the Chair should take place for planning.


The Department will assist residents in finding a suitable laboratory at Stanford for their mentored research training; the director of the laboratory may be a faculty member in the Department of Pathology or any other department in the University.

Indeed, Stanford University has an outstanding School of Engineering, which, together with the School of Medicine, has established a Bioengineering Department. Stanford University also has outstanding Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Statistics in the School of Humanities and Sciences.

In addition, Stanford CHEM-H is building bridges across the postdoctoral scholar community in chemistry, engineering, and medicine to encourage the execution of innovative research aimed at addressing challenges in human health from a multi-disciplinary perspective.

Physician Scientist Pathway Alumni