High School Students

Internships and Other Opportunities

Unpaid Internships

Unpaid internship opportunities are available to high school students. Unpaid internships can be virtual or on-site and are limited to 6 months. Students can receive academic credit for a course of study or class if it supports the training being received at the School of Medicine under the supervision of a faculty member (or their designee). Alternatively, the training can prepare the individual for future, not current coursework. If an internship is used to obtain academic credit, a training plan that outlines the school's expectations and learning objectives must be provided.

Criteria for Internships:

  • Training is for the benefit of the intern, not the university
  • Stanford gains no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern
  • Intern does not displace regular, temporary, or casual employees
  • Intern is not entitled to a job when the assignment is concluded
  • Intern understands they are not entitled to wages for time spent in training
  • Due to Stanford policy, prospective interns may not be related to a staff/faculty member within the department

Minor Requirements:

  • An intern must be at least 16 years of age for onsite activity/training in a lab
  • The supervisor on record is required to complete a Livescan and STARS training
  • Students interested in a research experience at Stanford are encouraged to reach out to a lab of their choice. You can find a list of our labs here.

    If you are considering providing an opportunity for an internship and for more information on the process and questions regarding unpaid internships, please contact Jessica Mondragon at jessxm@stanford.edu. Please note, internships must be approved by the School of Medicine Human Resources Group before an individual starts an internship.

    Other Stanford Opportunities for High School Students

    Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR)

    High school students can apply to the Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer Research Program (SIMR). The goals of the program include increasing interest in biological sciences and medicine among high school students, helping students to understand how scientific research is performed and increasing diversity of students and researchers in the sciences. Applications are due in February each year.

    Stanford Medical Youth Science Program (SMYSP)

    The Stanford Medical Youth Science Program is a five-week immersive enrichment program focused on science and medicine that is open to low-income, first-generation high school juniors who live in Northern California. Students can apply to the Summer Residential Program, a five-week program open to low-income sophomore and junior high school students. Applications are accepted between December and February each year.