Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Stanford Pathology Research Retreat
From Left to Right: Mishaal Gardezi, Yuhan Bi, Cristabelle De Souza, Yigit Baykara, Phoebe Hammer, Minami Tokuyama, Alex Chang-Graham, Kristyna Blazkova, Drew Galls, Syed Usman Enam, Alea Delmastro, Lesly Castillo Colin, Madison Yang, Yuanyuan Liu, Rachel Frauces, Alyssa Bradley, Tom Watkins, Laetitia Coassolo, Oliver Wirz, Zhiwei Zhou, Kazuma Sekiba, Maria Dolores Moya-Garzon, Antonio Delgado Gonzalez, Eloise Berson.
Please read the complete list of winners below:
6 prizes awarded
Basil Baccouche, MPhil
[Abstract #3]
"Spatiotemporal Single-Cell Characterization using CODEX Multiplexed Imaging is a Feasible Means of Interrogating Cellular Responses to Myocardial Injury"
Alea Delmastro [Abstract #17]
"The Immunometabolic Topography of Tuberculosis Granulomas Governs Cellular Organization and Bacterial Control"
Syed Usman Enam [Abstract #23]
"A Molecular Metagenomic Screen Reveals Diverse Viral Genomes Containing Non-canonical Bases"
Lesly Castillo Colin [Abstract #11]
"Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy uses Genetically Engineered T-Cells to Target Protein Antigens Specific to Cancers such as Multiple Myeloma and Leukemia"
Peter Du [Abstract #21]
"Intercellular CRISPR Screens using Viral Proximity Barcoding"
Drew Galls [Abstract #26]
"A General RNA-templated RNA Extension Activity of E. coli RNA Polymerase: Possible 3' Extended RNAs That May Originate Via RNA-templated RNA Extension In Vivo"
8 prizes awarded
Eloise Berson, PhD [Abstract #6]
"AI-driven Brain Cell Type Transcriptome Unveils Molecular Signature of Alzheimer’s Resilience and Resistance"
Antonio Delgado Gonzalez, PhD
[Abstract #16]
"Multiparametric Single-cell characterization of the Tumor Microenvironment of Different Ovarian Carcinoma Histotypes"
Maria Dolores Moya-Garzon, PhD [Abstract #64]
"A Novel Family of Ketone Metabolites That Regulate Energy Balance"
Oliver Wirz, PhD [Abstract #93]
"Drivers of Differential Antibody Breadth in SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination and Infection"
Kristyna Blazkova, PhD
[Abstract #9]
"Identification of Proteases Produced by Commensal Bacteria of the Human Microbiota that Cleave and Regulate Protease-activated Receptor 2 to Control Pain Signaling in the Gut"
Kamir Hiam-Gálvez, PhD
[Abstract #31]
"Clonally Heritable Gene Expression Determines Exhaustion Differentiation Trajectories of Memory CD8 T Cells"
Kazuma Sekiba, MD, PhD [Abstract #78]
"A Large-scale Metabolomics Screen to Define Pathways for Microbiome-derived Small Molecules"
Zhiwei Zhou, PhD [Abstract #106]
"Plasma Metabolomics Uncovers Characteristic Metabolic Aberrancies and Predictive Biomarkers in Early-onset Crohn's Disease"
Research Associates
6 prizes awarded
Allyssa Bradley [Abstract #10]
"ATF6 is Required for Photoreceptor Segment Formation in Retinal Organoids"
Rachel Frauches, MD [Abstract #25]
"Histological and Immunohistochemical Analysis of Inflammatory Cells in Geographic Atrophy Enucleations"
Yuanyuan Liu, PhD [Abstract #51]
"Gut Bacteria Degrade Purines via the 2,8-dioxopurine Pathway"
Laetitia Coassolo, PhD, PharmD
[Abstract #13]
"BRP, a Secreted Anorexigenic Peptide that Reverses Obesity"
Ramona Hoh, PhD [Abstract #35]
"Oral Immunotherapy Promotes Tolerance to Peanut Allergens Through Multiple B Cell Mechanisms"
Madison Yang, MS [Abstract #100]
"Machine-learning Guided Analysis Reveals Changes in Locomotor Activity in Rodent Models of Parkinson's Disease Not Detectable by Human Observers"
AP Residents
1 prize awarded
Thomas Watkins, MBBS, PhD [Abstract #91]
"Origins and Impact of Extrachromosomal DNA"
CP Residents
1 prize awarded
Tong Wang, MD, PhD [Abstract #90]
"Application of Diagnostic Stewardship to Fungal Polymerase Chain Reaction: Low Yield of Follow-up Testing on Plasma and Bronchoalveolar Lavage After a Negative Result"
AP/CP Residents
2 prizes awarded
Alex Chang-Graham, MD, PhD [Abstract #12]
"Importance of Blood Volume in Myco/F Lytic Culture Vials for Detection of Mycobacteria and Fungi Causing Bloodstream Infections"
Minami Tokuyama, MD [Abstract #84]
"DNA-methylation Profiling of Uterine Mesenchymal Neoplasms"
Clinical Fellows
2 prizes awarded
Phoebe Hammer, MD [Abstract #29]
"POLE-mutated Uterine Carcinosarcomas: A Clinicopathologic and Molecular Study of 11 Cases"
Cooper Rutland, MD [Abstract #73]
"Novel In Situ Hybridization Detection of CRTC1/3::MAML2 fusions and LINC00473 in Mucoepidermoid Carcinomas and Hidradenomas of the Breast, Salivary Gland, and Skin"
Health Disparity Research Awards
4 prizes awarded
Yigit Baykara, MD [Abstract #4]
"The Utility of Suboptimal Dose Granulocyte Transfusions in Treating Infections in Patients with Neutropenia"
Yuhan Bi, PhD [Abstract #8]
"IRE1a-Xbp1- and Creb3L2-Driven Transcriptional Programing as a Rheostat Coordinating the Metabolic Flow Driving HEV Morphology and Function"
Cristabelle De Souza, PhD [Abstract #14]
"Identifying Novel Immune Targets for the Treatment and Reversion of Pathogenic Fibrosis"
Mishaal Gardezi [Abstract #27]
"Spot the Difference: The Feasibility of Low-cost Portable Microscopes as an Alternative to Standard Microscopes For Rapid On-Site Evaluation of Fine Needle Aspirates"
1st Place
Yuhan Bi, PhD
Postdoc, Butcher Lab
"Homing T Cells"
A set of images to show T cell homing to non-mucosal organs including Lung, trachea, Gallbladder, etc. I also provide images to show blood vessels of lymphoid tissues. These images are whole-mount staining with our cutting-edge technology of injecting antibodies I.V. to light up the blood vessels.
— Yuhan
2nd Place
Goonho Park, PhD
"Neuronal Serenade"
This image captures the intricate dance between the CA1 and CA2 regions of a brain organotypic slice culture. The red fluorescent signal, driven by a tomato-expressing virus, highlights neurons in the CA2 region, while the green fluorescence marks the CA1 region. The projection of these neurons towards each other symbolizes a profound connection as if they are reaching out to share and communicate—a visual representation of the intricate communication and connection that underlies cognitive function.
— Goonho
3rd Place
Alex Chang-Graham, MD, PhD
Resident, AP/CP
"Don't Drink and Divide"
A compilation of mitotic figures from histologic sections of specimens with cancer.
— Alex
Special thanks to the research committee, faculty and staff for their invaluable contributions in making this event a resounding success.
Faculty: Scott Boyd, Mike Angelo, Inma Cobos, Steven Foung, Ansu Satpathy, Yaso Natkunam, Derick Okwan, Brooke Howitt, Sean Bendall, Dylan Dodd, Melody Zhang, Eric Yang, Wei Gu, and Stephen Montgomery
Business Staff: Annie Vo, Norm Cyr, Spencer Enriquez, Sochietta Kao, Dina Elias, Trina Nguyen, Kaela Quinto, Thomas Quiroz, Camille Casal, Dorene Wong, Alyssa Celzo, Phillip Richmond, Jessica Mondragon, and Karla Rodriguez