Prospective Students, Interns, and Volunteers


Our Clinic and Research Program has mentored dozens of students and volunteers over the last decade!  

We can host volunteers in our outpatient clinic via LPCH and we mentor Stanford students interested in clinical research for credit via PEDS199 and various Stanford Internship Programs. 

Eager learners are a critical component to our program and clinic operations and we enjoy being a stepping stone into their careers in Medicine and Science. 

Are you Pre-Med and hoping to gain clinical experience?!
Become a Volunteer in our Clinic!

What can clinic volunteers do?

  • Review of medical records and synthesize report for clinicians. You will work in the physician workroom and collaborate with nurses and physicians on these reports.   
    • This is a great opportunity for gaining insight into outpatient medicine and developing relationships with MDs who can serve as references in your future endeavors.
  • Escort patients to the clinical lab and accompany them until clinical and research labs are drawn and transport of research specimens to biorepository.

What are the requirements?

  • > 18 years old
  • Time commitment 4-8 hours/week for at least 12 months
  • Complete online courses about Stanford hospital policies such as patient privacy, infection control, and cultural diversity
  • Training as a hospital volunteer (background check and 2 references required)

What is our Patient Population?

Our program focuses on youth with neuropsychiatric presentations of immune disorders. Our clinic, located in Menlo Park, is comprised of psychiatrists, psychologists, rheumatologists (inflammation detectives), immunologists, therapists, who serve youth with sudden onset of obsessions/compulsions, food restriction, depression, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, POTS, and cognitive difficulties. The goal of our research is to discover how infections and immune system impact brain health

For additional information or to kick off the process, email us at