Upcoming Events

Free upcoming events offered by Stanford Palliative Care Health Education, Engagement, and Promotion program

Tuesday, February 4th at 7PM PST


Navigating Serious Illness: Palliative Care Perspectives Across Asian and Western Cultures


Western and Asian cultures can have differing core values that influence how people navigate serious illness, including end-of-life (EOL) care. Understanding these differences can help patients, families, and healthcare professionals work together to provide care consistent with personal, familial, and cultural values.

Grant Smith, MD, and Jean Yih, MBA, will discuss differences in the EOL experience between people living in the United States (US) and in Asian countries as well as differences between EOL care received by Asian Americans and Caucasian Americans within the US. They will provide guidance for starting conversations within families and with healthcare professionals to help families navigate serious illness and engage in care planning to minimize unnecessary distress during difficult illness at end of life.


Grant Smith, MD - Palliative Care Physician

Jean Yih, MBA - Medical Interpreter

Tuesday, February 18th at 5PM PST


Living Your Best Life: How Palliative Care Can Improve Your Quality of Life


Having a serious illness can affect your life in many ways. Join one of these workshops to find out what you can do to manage the impact your illness has on your life.

At this event, the Stanford Palliative Care team will share ways to live your best life using a holistic, person-centered approach.

During this workshop, the facilitator will talk about physical symptoms as well as emotional and spiritual well-being. You’ll also learn about the medical specialty, called palliative care, and how it can give you an extra level of support and improve your quality of life.

Tuesday, March 11th & 18th Noon-1pm PST 


What's Right For You? A 2-Part Vitual Advance Health Care Planning Workshop

"Advance care planning" is the term to describe the conversations and processes involved in making what is more commonly known as a "living will" or "advance health care directive."  In this workshop format, we'll talk about what's right for you and those close to you.  Whether you are a person living with a serious illness, a caregiver of a loved one, or the healthiest you have ever been, having some form of a care plan in the event you are unable to speak for yourself, is important for providing you and your family with the comfort and confidence knowing that your wishes will be honored no matter what happens. 

Come learn about the questions you should be asking yourself, your doctors, and your loved ones.  You may even leave with an advance care plan completed.


Part I: We will define and describe advance health care planning and provide a 4-step plan to help you get jump started on thinking about the questions you should be considering.

Part II: We will come back together to review an advance directive and provide time for discussion and questions.


*This event is free and open to all.