Trainee Education Resources

Stanford Undergraduate Students

  • Stanford Undergraduate Hospice and Palliative Care (SUHPAC) -  This Stanford Undergraduate Student Group works to bring awareness and hands-on exposure towards end-of-life care to undergraduate students across campus. Students who volunteer with us will have the chance to meaningfully interact with patients and learn to compassionately care for adults and their families through our four initiatives.

Medical Students

  • Med 318A: Palliative Care in Context Clerkship - provides medical students in-depth exposure to palliative care across the continuum of care including several ambulatory clinics, an inpatient consult service, and home and inpatinet hospice. Clerkship Coordinator: Laura Lundi (, Clerkship Director: Dr. Kavitha Ramchandran (
  • Med 343B: Palliative Care Clerkship - teaches the nautral history, prognostication, and management of serious illness. Emphasis is placed on acquiring the knowledge, skills, and attitudes desirable in a compassionate clinician-scholar physician. Clerkship Director: Dr. VJ Periyakoil (

Residents and Fellows

Inpatient Palliative Care Rotation - Open to residents and fellows from all specialties, this rotation allows you to join the inpatient palliative care team at Stanford's main campus. During this rotation, you will work alongside a palliative care attending as part of the interdisciplinary palliative care team. Residents and fellows carry their own cohort of patients and help in managing symptoms, clarifying goals of care, and leading family meetings.  If you would like more information, please contact Program Coordinator: Gizelle Snowden-Jones (

Stanford Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship

The Stanford University Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship is a one-year ACGME accredited training program in Hospice and Palliative Medicine (HPM). We are fortunate to have a broad range of clinical sites spanning an inpatient hospice unit, a safety net hospital, community hospital experience, an academic medical center, long term care, home based care, and hospice to equip our graduates to work across the spectrum of our field as members of interdisciplinary teams.

For more information about our fellowship program, please visit the fellowship's website: