Senior Care


We are designing an integrated solution for the remote monitoring, assessment and support of seniors living independently at home. We aim at improving the speed and reliability of health risk detection and support timely, personalized intervention.

We are investigating the use of multiple sensors for the detection and recording of daily activities, lifestyle patterns, emotions, and vital signs, as well as the development of intelligent mechanisms for translating multi-sensor inputs into accurate situational assessment and rapid response. Our goal is to allow seniors to extend their capacity to live at home, improve their quality of life and avoid unnecessary and costly relocation into institutional care.

We are monitoring 17 activities of clinical relevance: eating, sleeping, falls, slowed movements, unstable transfers, front door loitering, day and night reversals, fluid intake, chair and bed immobility, urinary frequency, restlessness, fever, alcohol consumption, pill consumption, high salt diets, substance abuse, and food consumption.

Pilot Partnerships

The Stanford Thailand Research Consortium

STRC supports Stanford faculty research pertinent to areas of social, economic, and technological development vital to Thailand’s future success.

Consortium-funded research projects align to central themes of raising human values, increasing economic prosperity, ensuring environmental protection, and advancing social well-being throughout Thai society. Established in 2018, the Consortium creates avenues for faculty across Stanford schools and disciplines to engage in research with real-world applications.


AI for Elderly Care uses human-centered design and AI-based technologies to improve caregiving of the elderly, a growing population in Thailand. An example of using AI to support elder care is a computer vision system that can detect mobility in elders who may be at home alone while their caregivers are at work. The project, led by the Clinical Excellence Research Center’s Professor Arnold Milstein (medicine), Kevin Schulman (medicine) and Professor Amit Kaushal (bioengineering), is a collaboration between Stanford Medicine, Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and the



We have a pilot at Onlok home-care facilities. We will install non intrusive sensors to detect the target activities automatically of volunteers and design algorithms to automatically analyze long term low level sensorial information.


Ehsan Adeli, PhD.

Scientist, Stanford AI Lab, Stanford Vision and Learning, Computer Science Department
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford School of Medicine

Swati DiDonato, MD. MBA

Dr. DiDonato is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Stanford School of Medicine. She is the co-lead of Stanford's Value Based Care Academy, serves as Stanford's MD/MBA career advisor, and has worked with a variety of companies focused on bringing the latest technology to healthcare.

Tracy Terada

Research Operations Manager

Tracy is a 15+ year adminstrative veteran for the Stanford School of Medicine.  She started at the Lane Medical Library and is currently with the Clinical Excellence Research Center. 



Identifying solutions to meet unmet needs of family caregivers using human-centered design

Vittavat Termglinchan, Samira Daswani, Paricha Duangtaweesub, Taweevat Assavapokee, Arnold Milstein and Kevin Schulman

BMC Geriatrics
February 2, 2022

Classification of Developmental Disorders Using Eye-Movements

Guido Pusiol, Andre Esteva, Scott S. Hall, Michael Frank, Arnold Milstein, Li Fei-Fei

International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)
October 2016

​Unsupervised Discovery of Human Activities from Long-Videos

Salma Elloumi, Serhan Cosar, Guido Pusiol, Francois Bremond, Monique Thonnat

The Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET Computer Vision
July 2015

Quantifying Naturalistic Social Gaze in Fragile X Syndrome Using a Novel Eye-Tracking Paradigm

Scott S. Hall, Michael C. Frank, Guido Pusiol, Faraz Farzin, Amy A. Lightbody, Allan L. Reiss

American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part 1: Neuropsychiatric Genetics
June 2015

Discovering the Signatures of Joint Attention in Child-Caregiver Interaction

Guido Pusiol, Laura Soriano, Li Fei-Fei, Michael C. Frank

The Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci)
July 2014