Main Street Park Apartments (MSPA) Project
Half Moon Bay, CA (August 2022)
Project Goal
This project sought to answer what makes paths safe or unsafe for bicyclists and pedestrians at 4 key locations from Half Moon Bay’s Main St. to Highway 1. Additionally, this project piloted a “citizen science scavenger hunt” with the goal of making the project more exciting and interesting for younger demographics.
Guiding Question
What makes this route safe or unsafe for bicyclists and pedestrians? ¿Qué hace que esta ruta sea segura o insegura para ciclistas y peatones?
Project Description
Four key locations with special landmarks to guide the scavenger hunt were determined, reaching from Half Moon Bay’s Main St. to Highway 1. The “scavenger hunt” then took place during the back to school event for the Main Street Park Apartments. Participants used the Discovery Tool mobile app (programmed to have instructions and materials in English and Spanish) on tracfones to capture photos and comments at each key location along their walk. The walk audit was accompanied by three SRTS staff and three Stanford Our Voice team staff with members specifically present to help int translating questions and materials to Spanish for participants. Participants who completed the scavenger hunt and post-survey were entered into a raffle for $25 gift cards.
People and Collaborators
Collaborating Organization(s) / Institutional Partner(s):
- Safe Routes to School
- San Mateo County Health Department: Public Health, Policy, and Planning
- San Mateo County Office of Education
- Main Street Park Apartments
- California Office of Traffic Safety: The OTS is the state’s voice and expert on traffic safety. The OTS provides more than $100 million annually in federal grant funding to local, county, regional, and state departments that make roads safer for everyone. The OTS mission is to save lives, with a vision where everyone in California will go safely.