Half Moon Bay High School

The City of Half Moon Bay, CA (September 2022)

Project Goal

This project set out to understand the facilitators and barriers to walking and biking in the area surrounding Half Moon Bay High School. This project piloted a “citizen science scavenger hunt” with the goal of making the project more exciting and interesting for younger demographics. Additionally, it aimed to determine whether the use of augmented/virtual reality supported the visualization of issues and solutions related to pedestrian and bicyclist safety. 


Guiding Question 

What makes this path safe or unsafe for bicyclists and pedestrians?

Project Description

The citizen science scavenger hunt was conducted with students from HMBhS in the AP Environmental Science class. The scavenger hunt consisted of QR codes which were posted at five key locations stretching from the front of Half Moon Bay High School (HMBHS), down to the intersection of Lewis Foster Drive and Main Street. The HMBHS AP Environmental Science class was then split into 5 groups who went on a walk audit around HMBHS. Each group used a tracfone to capture photos and document comments relating to the guiding question at each key location. After capturing photos of assets and barriers to biking/walking around school at each each respective location, students scanned a QR code using their personal phone, which then prompted them with a hint of where to go next. Following an initial, traditional community meeting, an AR data visualization meeting was held with school stakeholders in attendance. This consisted of data visualization of the hotspots where photos were taken using the discovery tool and designing virtual solutions using a VR headset. Following this meeting, attendees reported knowing what augmented/virutal reality is and finding it easy and/intuitive to use. Additionally, meeting attendees found that they could use VR to better visualize issues relating to pedestrian/bicyclist safety at HMBHS and that they could use VR to design solutions to these same issues. 


Activities and Outcomes

Key, actionable ideas generated by the Half Moon Bay High School citizen scientists:

  • Expanding the drop-off area
  • Widening sidewalks
  • Adding crosswalks, bike lanes, speed bumps, and traffic lights
  • Repainting road markings and road lights
  • Using crossing guards 

People and Collaborators

Project Lead(s): 

  • Zakaria Doueiri


Collaborating Organization(s) / Institutional Partner(s):

  • Half Moon Bay High School
  • Safe Routes to School
  • San Mateo County Health Department: Public Health, Policy, and Planning
  • San Mateo County Office of Education


  • California Office of Traffic Safety: The OTS is the state’s voice and expert on traffic safety. The OTS provides more than $100 million annually in federal grant funding to local, county, regional, and state departments that make roads safer for everyone. The OTS mission is to save lives, with a vision where everyone in California will go safely.

Our Voice Impact

"This experience has changed my life.  I see inadequacies everywhere I go as it relates to pedestrian access and safety.  I even stop [at] construction sites to remind them to be considerate of the handicapped in our community.  Thank you all so much for this awareness and empowerment to require change."

~ Pam Jiner, GirlTrek Advocacy Leader, Denver CO