
The North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS)

·      Patient Brochure
·      DrusenLP
·      NOVEL- AAO- NANOS Clinical Collection: “Optic Disc Drusen”

American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)

·      Optic disc drusen
·      Diagnostic uncertainty due to optic disc drusen
·      Buried optic disc drusen


·      Optic nerve head drusen



Optic Disc Drusen Papers

We are pleased to highlight 4 recent publications on optic disc drusen.

1. Yan Y, Ludwig CA, Liao YJ: Multimodal Imaging Features of Optic Disc Drusen. American journal of ophthalmology 2021, 225:18-26.

Highlights from this paper: This is a large study of 786 patients with optic disc drusen and analysis of their ophthalmic imaging features.

How to read this paper:  The PDF version of the complete paper is free to download here

2. Yan Y, Liao YJ: Updates on ophthalmic imaging features of optic disc drusen, papilledema, and optic disc edema. Current opinion in neurology 2021, 34(1):108-115.

Highlights from this paper:  This is a review of on optic disc drusen and other optic nerve diseases that mimick this condition.  There are useful tables and figures highlighting the key features of optic nerve head swelling.

How to read this paper:  The PDF version of the complete paper is free to download here

3. Yan Y, Zhou X, Chu Z et al: Vision Loss in Optic Disc Drusen Correlates With Increased Macular Vessel Diameter and Flux and Reduced Peripapillary Vascular Density. American journal of ophthalmology 2020, 218:214-224.

Highlights from this paper: Optic disc drusen is the most common risk factor associated with loss of blood supply to the anterior optic nerve. This is the first large study analyzing vascular changes in optic disc drusen. Analysis of optical coherence tomography angiography allows future prediction of who is more likely to develop vision loss in optic disc drusen

How to read this paper:  The PDF version of the complete paper is free to download here

4. Sangeethabalasri Pugazhendhi S, Yan Y, Liao YJ. Multimodal Ophthalmic Imaging of Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy With and Without Optic Disc Drusen. J Neuroophthalmol. 2021 Apr 14. doi: 10.1097/WNO.0000000000001242.  PMID: 33870937. Online ahead of print.

Highlights from this paper: This case series compares detailed ophthalmic imaging features of young onset anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in a patient with optic disc drusen compared with another patient with older onset anterior ischemic optic neuropathy not associated with optic disc drusen.

How to read this paper:  This paper is currently only accessible to those with subscription to Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology. Please email Brianna at to get a copy of the PDF.

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