Ophthalmology Department hosting second annual Ocular Melanoma Benefit 5K Fun Run and Walk
Want a chance to race through the beautiful Baylands, all while honoring a great cause? On Sunday, May 19, the Byers Eye Institute will host the second annual “Lookin’ for a Cure Ocular Melanoma Benefit 5K Fun Run and Walk.”
This event is being arranged by a patient organization, A Cure In Sight, to help raise awareness and support the department’s research program in Ocular Melanoma (Ocular Oncology), led by Prithvi Mruthyunjaya, MD, MHS, associate professor of ophthalmology.
All ages are welcome. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the race starts at 9 a.m. To meet the early bird pricing of $25, register by May 15 at lookinforacure.org. After May 15, registration price raises to $35. Youth under 12 can register for $15.
Whether you want to just have fun or want to race for a time, this race is for you. Looking for an even greater challenge? Wear an eye patch during the race in honor of Eye Patch Day. If you don’t want to race, this event will also have fun activities, food, and if you bring cash you can enter a raffle for a chance to win prizes.
The Ocular Oncology Program at Stanford focuses on treating both adult and children patients. Ocular melanoma, also known as uveal melanoma, is the most common form of eye cancer that begins in the eye, affecting people of all ages. Ocular melanoma makes up approximately 5% of melanomas in the U.S. and about five to six cases per million people have been recorded in the U.S. and Europe, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. This race puts the health care team shoulder to shoulder with survivors, patients, and their families in our fight against this potentially lethal and blinding disease.