Dr. Ranya Habash Bio

Dr. Ranya Habash is CEO of LifeLong Vision Special Purpose Acquisition Company and the former Medical Director of Technology Innovation at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute.  She was appointed to the FDA’s Digital Health Network of Experts and listed on The Ophthalmologist Power List, first recognizing the top 50 stars in the world "who will lead ophthalmology over the next few decades and shape its future," then as one of the “most influential” female ophthalmologists in the world, and most recently as one of the “Top 100 most influential people” in ophthalmology, worldwide.  

Habash was also Chief Medical Officer of Everbridge and Co-Founder of HipaaChat. She was listed by Becker's Hospital Review as a Top Healthcare Entrepreneur to Know. As a publicly-traded company, Everbridge integrated HipaaChat’s secure messaging and telemedicine platform within its software suite, serving over 1500 hospitals and health systems. As Chief Medical Officer, she provided strategic clinical insight for Everbridge’s business development, sales, and product teams, while collaborating with companies like Apple, Amazon, and Verizon to modernize communication for health systems. This included HIPAA-compliance, automated code alerts, IoT monitoring of medical devices, mobile SOS safety software, and care coordination between hospitals, ambulances, and emergency services on a city-wide and state-wide scale. Her training sessions and materials have been internationally embraced, and her work was cited in U.S. Senate Committee hearings for telehealth expansion in all medical specialties.  

Combining her unique clinical, tech, and product backgrounds, Habash joined Microsoft’s healthcare team to lead a global machine learning project between Microsoft and Bascom Palmer, delivering a multi-disease retinal algorithm to automate diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions. As program manager for Microsoft, she worked to build a global collaborative network for data sharing and digital health collaboration.  Her latest research focuses on brain-computer interface technology for the diagnosis and treatment of multiple ophthalmic and neurologic conditions. These extraordinary experiences fuel her strategy for LifeLong Vision SPAC and the impact she hopes to make on healthcare.  

Ranya Habash, MD

CEO, LifeLong Vision 
FDA Digital Health Network of Experts