October 11
Oct 11
Friday Fri
Friday Fri
Meeting Details:
2:00PM-2:30PM - Refreshments
2:30PM-3:30PM – Seminar
Tung Auditorium, Biomedical Innovations Bldg – Room 1021
Host: Dr. Konstantina Stankovic
Hidden hearing loss: cellular/molecular mechanisms; implications for auditory processing, and potential therapies
Gabriel Corfas, PhD, The University of Michigan
Gabriel Corfas, PhD, Professor and Associate Chair for Research, Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery
Director, Kresge Hearing Research Institute
The Lynn and Ruth Townsend Professor of Communication Disorders
Michigan Neuroscience Institute Affiliate Faculty
The University of Michigan
Stanford University School of Medicine
240 Pasteur Dr. Rm 1021
Palo Alto, CA 94304
240 Pasteur Dr. Rm 1021
Palo Alto, CA 94304
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Stanford University School of Medicine
240 Pasteur Dr. Rm 1021Palo Alto, CA 94304