
Educated patients are more effective allies in the battle with their ailments. Moreover, educated patents join advocacy groups, whose work is so important to us all: lessening stigma through public education; lobbying government for research funds, work place protections and equitable insurance coverage; and providing social support for mentally ill individuals and their families. This list is a guide to educational resources of US advocacy and informational organizations.

US Advocacy and Informational Organizations

Provides a newletter, publications, videotapes, list of OCD support groups across the United States and referral to mental health professionals with a special interest in OCD.
Provides educational materials, information on starting local support groups, and contact information for local support groups.
National and international chapters. Provides information and advocates for services and research
Collects and disseminates information, maintains local chapters, provides medical referrals, conducts educational and training sessions for educators, civic organizations and professionals.
Provides a directory of self-help groups and a newletter summarizing recent developments in the treatment of anxiety disorders.
Provides educational materials, sponsors local chapters and lobbies government for education policies that appropriately accommodate individuals with attention deficit disorder.
Provides printed material modelled on the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Organizes local support groups for compulsive gamblers and publishes educational materials.
Sells an extensive list of scientific article reprints and self-help books, and sponsors local support groups.
Publishes educational pamphlets and has local chapters.
A recovery program modeled on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. Provides a kit for starting a local group, educational materials and listing of local meeting sites.
Provides reprints of scientific articles, a quarterly newletter offers local support groups and lobbies for research funds and health benefits.
Provides members with an information packet and a bimonthly newletter.
