- iCare Dementia Caregiving Program: The focus of this project is to develop a set of materials (DVD, web-based video, print material, etc.) to teach coping skills to a broad range of dementia family caregivers in collaboration with Photozig, Inc. at NASA Research Park.
- Fotonovela Project: The primary aim is to develop a culturally appropriate educational tool widely used among Latinos called a fotonovela that focuses on teaching Latino family caregivers how to more effectively manage difficult everyday behaviors exhibited by their demented relative.
- CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Late Life Depression: This manual was developed to provide therapists from varying backgrounds with a guide for conducting cognitive-behavioral therapy with older adults.
- REACH Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer Caregiver Health: Our focus was on the evaluation of psychoeducational programs, compared to support groups and a telephone counseling condition, for treatment of caregivers’ depression and other variables indicative of distress.
- Chinese Caregiver Assistance Project (CCAP): The purpose of the new study was to evaluate different theoretically-based treatments for distress in Chinese and Anglo/Caucasian caregivers, and to determine if treatment impacts both physiological and psychological variables.