CBT Training for Professionals
CBT Training Program:
1. We offer 1-3 day training workshops in the "basics" of doing cognitive/behavioral therapy with older adults. This basic training can occur at your agency's location or at our offices in Palo Alto, CA.
2. We then ask that trainees continue with small group telephone based case consultation, on a weekly basis, for a minimum of 4 months (6 months is preferred). This is necessary in order to put into practice the CBT skills with a variety of patients, and receive feedback as to how one is progressing as a CBT therapist. Sessions are audio-taped and tapes are reviewed by the senior consultants, to ensure treatment fidelity. Feedback is given to the therapists in training both in the small group format and individually, as needed.
3. Fees are worked out on an individual basis with each agency or individual.
To Learn More:
For further information please contact Dr. Larry W. Thompson, Ph.D., certified CBT therapist, member, Academy of Cognitive Therapy, at: larrywt@stanford.edu