Knutson Lab

For information on the Knutson lab, visit the spanlab website.

Selected Center Papers

Hack LM, Zhang X, Heifets BD, Suppes T, van Roessel PJ, Yesavage JA, Gray NJ, Hilton R, Rodriguez CI, Deisseroth K, Knutson B, Williams LM. Ketamine’s acute effects on negative brain states are mediated through distinct dissociative states in humans. In Revision with Nature Communications

Hack LM, Warthen KG, Zhang X, Heifets BD, Suppes T, van Roessel PJ, Rodriguez CI, Knutson B, Williams LM. Acute Ketamine Modulated Functional Brain Coupling and Dissociative and Affective States in Human Subjects: Interim Analyses. bioRxiv. 2021 Sep 20. doi: 10.1101/2021.09.20.460992. [PDF]

Humphreys K, Malenka RC, Knutson B, MacCoun RJ. Brains, environments, and policy responses to addiction. Science. 2017 Jun 23;356(6344):1237-1238. doi: 10.1126/science.aan0655. PMID: 28642399. [PDF]