Nguyen Lab
At the Nguyen Lab, we focus on many research areas in the field of hepatology, including epidemiology, clinical outcomes, translational studies, and therapeutic clinical trials for chronic hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis C, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, liver cancer/tumors, and liver transplant-related issues. We also research the health disparities and ethnicity-related issues in risk factors, disease presentation, and care delivery, quality outcomes in liver disease.
In addition, we are active in the field of global health, with ongoing research collaboration and medical education exchanges with many countries around the world, including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Mongolia, Myanmar, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Romania, and Argentina.
Our research team includes advanced research staff as well as students - high school, undergraduate, medical, other graduates, interns and residents, gastroenterology and hepatology fellows, junior faculty, and visiting scholars. In addition, we pride ourselves on diversity, with team members of many different ethnicities, nationalities, and socioeconomic backgrounds.Our team members and research collaborators are all committed to furthering the study of liver disease and mitigating its consequences for patients around the world
Dr. Nguyen is currently mentoring a third-year resident, three second-year residents and one intern.
Mindie Nguyễn, MD, MAS
“I tailor the training to each mentee depending on their clinical and research interests and what they need the most from me, and I am always conscious of their timeline. They generally need to show results of their work by the time of fellowship application, which is usually only about a year to two after meeting me".
Medicine Grand Round, Stanford University Medical Center, May 1, 2024
Dr Mindie Nguyen discusses strategies to reduce HCC mortality at Stanford Medicine Grans Rounds
Liver Cancer News from CURE TODAY: Laparoscopic liver surgery led to faster recovery and earlier subsequent treatment”
May 30, 2024 Alex Bieset