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Results 1 - 5 of 5 for Reversing Aging. (3.67 seconds)
  • 2023’s top scientific advancements

    Reflecting on the past year, the editors and writers of the Office of Communications picked some of the most significant scientific achievements they covered at Stanford Medicine in 2023.

  • Transfusion boosts brain function

    In a Stanford study, sedentary mice appear to benefit from another same-aged mouse’s exercise — if they receive injections of its blood.

  • Study reveals immune driver of brain aging

    Scientists have identified a key factor in mental aging and shown that it might be prevented or reversed by fixing a glitch in the immune system’s front-line soldiers.

  • Older people’s immune cells diverge more

    Stanford scientists, focusing on chemical adjuncts affixed to DNA-associated proteins, found that these markings become more diverse with age.

  • Fewer bone stem cells in diabetes impedes healing

    Stanford researchers found that activating bone stem cells helps repair fractures in diabetic mice. Applying a protein to the fracture site increased the expression of key signaling proteins and enhanced healing in the animals.