Awards in medicine
Anna Caulfield, MD, clinical associate professor of neurology and neurological sciences; Olivia Lee, MD, clinical assistant professor of primary care and population health; and Paul Mohabir, MD, clinical professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine, received the Arthur L. Bloomfield Award in Recognition of Excellence in the Teaching of Clinical Medicine.
Lars Osterberg, MD, MPH, associate professor of primary care and population health, received the Franklin G. Ebaugh, Jr. Award for Excellence in Advising Medical Students.
Dean Winslow, MD, professor of medicine, received the Alwin C. Rambar-James BD Mark Award for Excellence in Patient Care, which recognizes a member of the medical faculty for compassion in working with patients and their families, excellence in providing medical treatment, and effectiveness and pleasantness in interactions with patient-care staff. He also received received the Outstanding Lecture/Presentation Award.
Veronica Santini, MD, clinical associate professor of neurology and neurological sciences, received the Lawrence H. Mathers Award for Exceptional Commitment to Teaching and Active Involvement in Medical School Education.
Tracy Rydel, MD, clinical associate professor of primary care and population health, received the Award for Excellence in Promotion of the Learning Environment and Student Wellness.
Maria Alfonso, clerkship coordinator in emergency medicine, received the Medical Education Staff Service Award.
Peter Fay, MD, a physician at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, received the Outstanding Community Clinic Preceptor, Preclinical Instruction Award.
Howard Chiou, visiting faculty member at the Clinical Excellence Research Center, received the Outstanding Community Clinical Preceptor, Clinical Instruction Award.
Rebecca Blankenburg, MD, MPH, clinical associate professor of pediatrics and of emergency medicine, received the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Teaching Award for Outstanding and Innovative Contributions to Medical Education.
Ann Chuang, MD, adjunct clinical assistant professor of primary care and population health; Pedram Fatehi, MD, clinical associate professor of nephrology; and Beth Martin-Kool, MD, clinical assistant professor of hematology, received the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Award for Excellence in Preclinical Teaching.
Aleah Brubaker, MD, PhD, resident in surgery; Lucas Kipp, MD, clinical assistant professor of neurology and neurological sciences; and Tsuyoshi Mitarai, MD, clinical associate professor of emergency medicine, received the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching.
Jessica Bentzley, Rishi Bhatnagar, Howard Chiou, Robert Tyler Payne, Surbhi Singhal and Prateek Thatikunta received the Arnold P. Gold Foundation Award for Humanism and Excellence in Teaching. The award is given to residents based on their commitment to teaching and the compassionate treatment of students, colleagues and patients and their families.
Michelle Drews, a medical student, received the Teaching Assistant Award.
Laural Braitman, PhD, adjunct professor of anesthesiology, perioperative and pain medicine; Veronica Santini, MD, clinical associate professor of neurology and neurological sciences; and Erika Schillinger, MD, clinical professor of primary care and population health, received the Award for Excellence in Promotion of Humanism.
Medical students Sandrene Cassells and Richard Sapp received the Award for Excellence in Promotion of Diversity and Societal Citizenship.
Medical students inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society include Julie Barzilay, Sophia Bechek, Kathrine Casillas, Jeffrey Edwards, Daniel Greenberg, Michelle Han, Kristie Hsu, Elizabeth Hyde, Eli Johnson, Kevin Li, Palmoa Marin Nevarez, Jessica Pullen, Michael Richardson, Yekaterina Shpanskaya and Rosa Yu. Members of the society, organized by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, are selected for exemplifying compassionate patient care and serving as role models, mentors and leaders.
Awards in bioscience
David Schneider, PhD, professor and chair of microbiology and immunology, received the Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching. This award recognizes faculty whose teaching of graduate students is distinguished and especially valued by School of Medicine and Biosciences faculty and graduate students.
Sheri Krams, PhD, professor of surgery, received the Award for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion. This award recognizes faculty and academic staff who make distinguished contributions toward enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion across the Stanford Biosciences.
Dan Herschlag, PhD, professor of biochemistry, received the Award for Excellence in Mentoring and Service. This award recognizes faculty who make distinguished contributions toward enhancing the quality of training and the experiences of graduate students.
Graduate student Amber Moore, immunology, received the Student Award for Excellence in Societal Citizenship.
Graduate students Michael Dubreuil, cancer biology, and Kendra Lechtenberg, neurosciences, received the Student Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Graduate students Lawrence Bai, immunology; Amy Fan, immunology; Julie Ko, cancer biology; and Makenna Morck, biochemistry, received the Student Award for Excellence to Graduate Students.