Functional Neurosurgery News
- – News Center
Software turns ‘mental handwriting’ into on-screen words, sentences
Artificial intelligence, interpreting data from a device placed at the brain’s surface, enables people who are paralyzed or have severely impaired limb movement to communicate by text.
- – NPR
Man Who Is Paralyzed Communicates By Imagining Handwriting
By decoding the brain signals involved in handwriting, researchers have allowed a man who is paralyzed to transform his thoughts into words on a computer screen.
- – Scope
How thoughts could one day control electronic prostheses, wirelessly
Stanford researchers have shown how to create wireless brain-computer interfaces that could enable amputees to operate thought-controlled prostheses.
PBS News Hour reports on how new technology is allowing people with paralysis to type, just by thinking about it.
Stanford Neurosurgeon, Dr. Jaimie Henderson, tells PBS News Hour about new brain-computing interface technology that is allowing people who are paralyzed to communicate.