Nathanael Lee, MD, PhD
- Adult Neurology Residency: Stanford University Hospital (2022-2025)
- Internship: Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital (2021-2022)
- Medical School: Georgetown University School of Medicine, MD (2013-2021)
- Graduate School: National Institutes of Health, PhD in Neuroscience (2015-2019)
- Undergraduate: Rice University, BS Biochemistry, BA Cognitive Sciences, BA Psychology (2009-2013)
- Neuroimmunology
- Health Advocacy
- Neuroradiology
- Global Health
- Rice DR, Guelngar CO, Traore M, Conde ML, Diallo D, Lee NJ… Mateen FJ. Impact of a free medication intervention on seizure recurrence and depressive symptoms in people living with epilepsy in the Republic of Guinea. Trop Med Int Health. 2024; 29(1):33-41.
- Generoso E, Diep C, Hua C, Rader E, Ran R, Lee NJ, Rivera-Lara L. Assessing risk factors associated with breakthrough early post-traumatic seizures in patients receiving phenytoin prophylaxis. Front Neurol. 2024; 14:1329042.
- Donadieu M*, Lee NJ*, Gaitan MI, Ha SK, Luciano NJ, Roy S… Reich DS. In vivo MRI is sensitive to remyelination in a nonhuman primate model of multiple sclerosis. Elife. 2023; 12:e73786. *Equal contribution.
- Ineichen BN, Sati P, Granberg T, Absinta M, Lee NJ, Lefeuvre JA, Reich DS. Magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis animal models: a systematic review, meta-analysis and white paper. Neuroimage. 2020; 28(102371).
- Lee NJ, Ha SK, Sati P, Absinta A, Leibovitch EC, Rouault TA… Reich DS. Potential role of iron in inflammatory demyelinating lesions. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2019. pii: 126809.
- Absinta M, Nair G, Monaco M, Maric D, Lee NJ, Ha SK… Reich DS. The central vein sign in inflammatory demyelination: the role of collagen type I. Annals of Neurology. 2019; 85(6):934-942.
- Palmer J. Highlights 2018: health stories in focus. Lancet. 2019. 392(10165):2673-2690.
- Leibovitch E, Caruso B, Ha SK, Schindler M, Lee NJ, Luciano NJ… Reich DS, Jacobson S. Herpesvirus trigger accelerates neuroinflammation in a nonhuman primate model of multiple sclerosis. PNAS. 2018. pii: 201811974.
- Lee NJ, Ha SK, Sati P, Absinta A, Luciano NJ, Lefeuvre J… Reich DS. Spatiotemperal distribution of fibrinogen in marmoset and human inflammatory demyelination. Brain. 2018; 141(6):1637-1649.
- Jung EW, Lee NJ, Suh JH. Pituitary Adenoma. Essentials of Clinical Radiation Oncology. 2018; 38-44. *Book chapter
- Lee NJ, Song JM, Cho HJ, Sung YM, Lee T, Chung A… Hoe HS; Hexa (ethylene glycol) derivative of benzothiazole aniline promotes dendritic spine formation through the RasGRF1-Ras dependent pathway. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015; 1862(2):284-295
- Megill A, Tran T, Elbred K, Lee NJ, Wong PC, Hoe HS… Lee HK; Defective Age-Dependent Metaplasticity in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. J. Neurosci. 2015; 35(32):11346-57
- Sohn YI, Lee NJ, Chung A, Saavedra JM, Scott Turner R, Pak DT, Hoe HS; Antihypertensive drug Valsartan promotes dendritic spine density by altering AMPA receptor trafficking. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013; 439(4):64-70
- Lee NJ, Sati P, Ha SK, Luciano NJ, Roy S, Ineichen BN… Reich DS. In Vivo MRI of Endogenous Remyelination in a Nonhuman Primate Model of Multiple Sclerosis.
- 2021 – American Physician-Scientists Association, Association of American Physicians, Poster Presentation, Virtual
- Lee NJ, Ha SK, Sati P, Absinta A, Leibovitch EC, Rouault TA… Reich DS. Potential role of iron in demyelinating lesions.
- 2019 – European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, Poster Presentation followed by Platform Presentation for Top Poster, Stockholm, Sweden
- 2018 – Lorentz Workshop – Iron, Myelin and Brain, Platform Presentation, Leiden, Netherlands
- 2018 – Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, Poster Presentation, San Diego, CA, USA
- Lee NJ, Ha SK, Sati P, Absinta A, Luciano NJ, Lefeuvre J… Reich DS. Spatiotemperal distribution of fibrinogen in marmoset and human inflammatory demyelination.
- 2017 - American Academy of Neurology - Annual Meeting, Platform Presentation, Boston, MA, USA
- 2017 - Gordon Research Conference – Neuroimmune Communication, Poster Presentation, Ventura, CA, USA
- 2016 - American Neurological Association – Annual Meeting, Poster Presentation, Baltimore, MD, USA
- Arnold P. Gold Foundation Award for Humanism and Excellence in Teaching Award, Stanford (2024)
- Neurology Clerkship Medical Student Teaching Award, Stanford (2023)
- Global Health Community Award, Massachusetts General Hospital (2022)
- Medical Student Prize for Excellence, American Academy of Neurology (2021)
- Edward B. Healton Award for Clinical Excellence in Neurology, Georgetown University School of Medicine (2021)
- Fellows Award in Research Excellence, National Institutes of Health (2020)
- Medical Student Mentorship Award, National Multiple Sclerosis Society (2020)
- Young Investigator Award, European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (2019)
- Top 5 Poster Award, European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (2019)
- Summer Mentorship Award, National Institutes of Health (2018)
- Young Investigator Award, Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (2018)
- Student Research Grant, Georgetown University Medical Center (2017)
- Photographer of the Year, National Institutes of Health Camera Club (2017)
- 1st Place Poster Award, Society of Neuroscience DC Metro Area Annual Conference (2017)
- Best Neuroscience Poster Award, National Institutes of Health Graduate Student Research Symposium (2017)
- Graduate Scholarship, Korean American Scientist and Engineers Association (2017)
- Poster Award in Imaging Category, Georgetown University Medical Center (2016)
- 1st Place Poster Award, US-Korea Conference (2016)
- Academic Excellence and Achievement in Pathology Award, American Society of Clinical Pathology (2016)
- Research Award, National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (2011)
- Golf
- Drums
- Houseplants
- Photography