Program and Speakers

Our schedule features a wide variety of topics, perspectives, and formats. 

Topics address neurodiversity from K-12 education to employment. We know there's no one type of employment that's right for everyone, so our employment sessions cover a range of possibilities from the Paid Internship Program to large coorporations. 

Perspectives, approaches, and background of speakers are equally varied. Some presenters come from academia, while others are mental health providers. Of course our summit wouldn't be complete without including the lived- experience perspective of neurodiverse/neurodivergent individuals (some of whom are also academics, practitioners, etc.). 

Formats differ from session to session. Some sessions are traditional lecture-style presentations, while others are more panel-focused. As a virtual conference, the sessions will be recorded so people have the option to either watch live or on their own time.

PDF of the "Summit at a Glance" schedule is also available.

Session details for each day are listed below. Our confirmed speakers are included, along with a brief bio and photo. 

For overflow attendees, please access the summit's YouTube Livestream channel below. Please note that this channel will be updated on each day of the summit. 

Please note that times shown below are in Pacific Time Zone.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020