The Myung Lab

Stanford Ophthalmic Regenerative Biomaterials Research Group


At the Byers Eye Institute and Spencer Vision Research Center at Stanford, the Myung Lab is an NIH-funded translational research group focused on two areas of clinical need:

(1)   ophthalmic regenerative medicine through tissue engineering and drug delivery

(2)   global health through mobile technologies and telemedicine 

We partake in an interdisciplinary approach toward fostering regeneration of ocular tissues, by using chemistry to not only build biomimetic cellular architectures but also to target and release bioactive molecules to promote healing.  Collaborating with researchers in the Departments of Chemical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering at Stanford, and the University of Illinois at Chicago, current projects are directed toward the localized delivery of growth factors and/or stem cells to the ocular surface, engineering approaches to understanding and treating dry eye, the synthesis of bioactive wound dressings and vehicles, and the creation of biopolymeric tissue scaffolds. 

The advent of consumer mobile technologies enables diagnostics and patient care to extend outside of traditional health care settings.  We seek to challenge current paradigms of eye care delivery through new digital health technologies to increase access to care in resource-limited settings both in the US and abroad.  Current projects include evaluating the utility of ophthalmic cameras and artificial intelligence to expand the reach of eye care providers in identifying and managing patients with referral-warranted disease.

Recent News

Congratulations to Gabriella Fernandes-Cunha and Lucia Brunel for their recent paper accepted into ACS Applied Biomaterials!

Congratulations to Lucia Brunel, for being awarded a pre-doctoral fellowship from the NIH

Congratulations to Sarah Mei Hull for defending and completing her PhD

Congratulations to Chau Vo, who is now completing her PhD at Harvard University

Congratulations to Kaylene Carter, MS, who is completing her residency training at Wills Eye Hospital!

Congratulations to Vincent Xia for being accepted to the University of Pennsylvania MD/PhD program!

Congratulations to Karen Chen for being awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for 2022-2023!

Congratulations to Gabriella Fernandes-Cunha and Caity Logan for their recent publication in The Ocular Surface!