- Qin W, Liang F, Lin SJ, Petree C, Huang K, Zhang Y, Li L, Varshney P, Mourrain P, Liu Y, Varshney GK. ABE-ultramax for high-efficiency biallelic adenine base editing in zebrafish. Nature Communications 2024 Jul 4;15(1):5613.
- Coulson RL, Frattini V, Moyer CE, Hodges J, Walter P, Mourrain P, Zuo Y, Wang GX. Translational modulator ISRIB alleviates synaptic and behavioral phenotypes in Fragile X syndrome. iScience 2024 Feb 16;27(4):109259.
- Terzi A, Ngo K, Mourrain P. Phylogenetic conservation of the interdependent homeostatic relationship of sleep regulation and redox metabolism. Journal of Comparative Physiology. 2024 Jun;194(3):241-252.
- Coulson RL, Mourrain P, Wang GX. The intersection of sleep and synaptic translation in synaptic plasticity deficits in neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of Comparative Physiology. 2024 Jun;194(3):253-263.
- Coulson RL, Mourrain P, Wang GX. Sleep deficiency as a driver of cellular stress and damage in neurological disorders. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 2022 Feb 26;63:101616.
- Li S-B, Chen C, Martinez Damonte V, Wang GX, Kebschull JM, Yamaguchi H, Bian W-J, Purmann C, Pattni R, Urban AE, Mourrain P, Kauer JA, Scherrer G, de Lecea L. Hyperexcitable arousal circuits drive sleep instability during aging. Science. 2022 Feb 25;375(6583)
- Jaggard JB, Wang GX, Mourrain P. Non-REM and REM/Paradoxical sleep dynamics across phylogeny. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2021 Sep 25;71:44-51.
- Madelaine R, Ngo KJ, Skariah G, Mourrain P. Genetic deciphering of the antagonistic activities of the melanin-concentrating hormone and melanocortin pathways in skin pigmentation. PLoS Genetics. 2020 Dec 10;16(12):e1009244. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009244. eCollection 2020 Dec.
- Pelayo R, Mourrain P. William C. Dement (1928-2020). Science. 2020 Jul 31;369(6503):512.
- Wang, GX and Mourrain, P. Sleep-dependent cellular chemical changes in the aging brain. Handbook of Mental Health and Aging. 2020: 71-80
- Leung, L. C., Wang, G. X., Madelaine, R., Skariah, G., Kawakami, K., Deisseroth, K., Urban, A., Mourrain P. Neural signatures of sleep in zebrafish. Nature. 2019 July;(571):198-204.
- Mourrain, P., Wang, G. X. Sleep: DNA Repair Function for Better Neuronal Aging? Current Biology 2019; 29 (12): R585–R588
- Andalman, A. S., Burns, V. M., Lovett-Barron, M., Broxton, M., Poole, B., Yang, S. J., Grosenick, L., Lerner, T. N., Chen, R., Benster, T., Mourrain, P., Levoy, M., Rajan, K., Deisseroth, K. Neuronal Dynamics Regulating Brain and Behavioral State Transitions. Cell. May 2019;144(4):970-985.
- Leung LC, Mourrain P. Sleep: Short Sleepers Should Keep Count of Their Hypocretin Neurons. Current Biology. 2018 May 7;28(9):R558-R560.
- Madelaine R, Notwell JH, Skariah G, Halluin C, Chen CC, Bejerano G, Mourrain P. A screen for deeply conserved non-coding GWAS SNPs uncovers a MIR-9-2 functional mutation associated to retinal vasculature defects in human. Nucleic Acids Research. 2018 Apr 20;46(7):3517-3531.
- Madelaine R, Mourrain P. Endogenous retinal neural stem cell reprogramming for neuronal regeneration. Neural Regeneration Research. 2017 Nov;12(11):1765-1767.
- Madelaine R, Sloan SA, Huber N, Notwell JH, Leung LC, Skariah G, Halluin C, Paşca SP, Bejerano G, Krasnow MA, Barres BA, Mourrain P. microRNA-9 couples brain neurogenesis and angiogenesis. Cell Reports. 2017 Aug 15;20(7):1533-1542.
- Chiou SH, Risca V, Wang G, Yang D, Grüner B, Kathiria A, Ma R, Vaka D, Chu P, Kozak M, Castellini L, Graves E, Kim G, Mourrain P, Koong A, Giaccia A, and Winslow M. Blimp1 induces transient metastatic heterogeneity in pancreatic cancer. Cancer Discovery. 2017 Oct;7(10):1184-1199.
- Madelaine R*, Lovett-Barron M*, Halluin C, Andalman A, Burns VM, Skariah GM, Leung LC, Liang J, Leung LC, Burns V, Mourrain P. The hypothalamic NPVF circuit modulates ventral raphe activity during nociception. Scientific Reports. 2017 Jan 31;7:41528.
- Elbaz I, Zada D, Tovin A, Braun T, Lerer-Goldshtein T, Wang G, Mourrain P, and Appelbaum L. Sleep-Dependent Structural Synaptic Plasticity of Inhibitory Synapses in the Dendrites of Hypocretin/Orexin Neurons. Molecular Neurobiology. 2016 Oct 12; 1,17.
- Wang GX, Smith SJ, and Mourrain P. Wide-field, sub-synaptic analysis of synaptic proteins reveals FXR2P localization deficits in Fmr1 KO synapses. eLife. 2016 Oct 22;5.
- Leung LC and Mourrain P. Drug discovery, zebrafish uncover novel anti-psychotics. Nature Chemical Biology. 2016 Jun 17;12(7):468-9.
- Mourrain P. What lies sleeping. The Scientist - Thought experiment. Solving Sleep's Mysteries special issue. 2016 March 1;30(3):27-9.
- Juntti, SA, Hilliard AT, Kent KR,1 Kumar A, Nguyen A, Jimenez MA, Loveland JL, Mourrain P*, and Fernald RD. A Neural Basis for Control of Cichlid Female Reproductive Behavior by Prostaglandin F2. Current Biology. 2016 Apr 4;26(7):943-9. *I mentored the first author on CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. I designed and synthesized the gRNAs and Cas9 mRNA needed to generate this first Cichlid mutant.
- Wang GX, Smith SJ, and Mourrain P. Fmr1 KO and fenobam treatment differentially impact distinct synapse populations of mouse neocortex. Neuron 2014 Dec 17;84(6):1273-86
- Kim CK, Miri A, Leung LC, Berndt A, Mourrain P*, Tank DW, Burdine RD. Prolonged, brain-wide expression of nuclear-localized GCaMP3 for functional circuit mapping. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2014 Nov 26;8:138. *I mentored the third author and we generated GCaMP transgenic lines indispensable for this study.
- Colas D, Annalisa Manca A, Delcroix JD and Mourrain P. Orexin A and Orexin Receptor 1 axonal traffic in dorsal roots at the CNS/PNS interface. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2014 Feb 11;8:20.
- Martineau PR & Mourrain P. Tracking zebrafish larvae in group - Status and perspectives. Methods. 2013 Aug 15;62(3):292-303.
- Leung LC, Wang GX, Mourrain P. Imaging zebrafish neural circuitry from whole brain to synapse. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2013;7:76.
- Wang G, Grone B, Colas D, Appelbaum L, and Mourrain P. Synaptic plasticity in sleep: learning, homeostasis, and disease. Trends in Neurosciences. 2011 Sep;34(9):452-63.
- Rinkwitz S, Mourrain P* and Thomas S Becker TS. New technologies for systems neurobiology in the zebrafish. Progress in Neurobiology. 2011 Feb;93(2):231-43. *I wrote a section of this review about the conservation of the neuropeptide pool from zebrafish to human and how to visualize their circuitry in the transparent zebrafish.
- Appelbaum L, Wang G, Yokogawa, Skariah G, Smith S, Mourrain P*,# and Mignot E*. Circadian and Homeostatic Regulation of Structural Synaptic Plasticity in Hypocretin Neurons. Neuron. 2010 Oct 6;68(1):87-98. * Co-last Authors. # Corresponding Author.
- Appelbaum L, Wang G, Maro G, Mori R, Tovin A, Marin W, Yokogawa T, Kawakami K, Smith SJ, Gothilf Y, Mignot E and Mourrain P. Sleep/wake regulation and hypocretin-melatonin interaction in zebrafish. PNAS. 2009 Dec 22;106(51):21942-7.
- Berman JR, Skariah G, Maro G, Mignot E and Mourrain P. Characterization of two melanin-concentrating hormone genes in zebrafish reveals evolutionary and physiological links with the mammalian MCH system. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2009 Jul 17;517(5):695-710.
- Pézeron G, Lambert G, Dickmeis T, Strähle U, Rosa F and Mourrain P. Rasl11b defines a Nodal and ERK pathway-independent output of Oep/Frl1/Cripto1 signaling in mesendoderm formation. PLoS one. 2008 Jan 16;3(1):e1434.
- Pézeron G, Mourrain P, Courty S, Ghislain J, Becker TS, Rosa F and David NB. Live analysis of endodermal layer formation identifies random walk as a novel gastrulation movement. Current Biology. 2008 Feb 26;18(4):276-81.
- Yokogawa T, Marin W, Faraco J, Pezeron G, Appelbaum L, Zhang J, Rosa F, Mourrain P* and Mignot E*. Characterization of sleep in zebrafish and insomnia in hypocretin receptor mutants. PLoS Biology. 2007 Oct 16;5(10):2379-97. * Co-last Authors
- Mourrain P, van Blokland R, Kooter JM, Vaucheret H. A single transgene locus triggers both transcriptional and post-transcriptional silencing through double-stranded RNA production. Planta. 2007 Jan;225(2):365-79.
- Appelbaum L, Skariah G, Mourrain P and Mignot E. Purinergic transmission by P2X receptors and ENTDP3 in hypocretin and sensory neurons in zebrafish. Brain Research. 2007 Oct 12;1174:66-75.
- Kikuta H, Laplante M, Navratilova P, Komisarczuk AZ, Engström PG, Fredman D, Akalin A, Caccamo M, Sealy I, Howe K, Ghislain J, Pezeron G, Mourrain P, Ellingsen S, Oates AC, Thisse C, Thisse B, Foucher I, Adolf B, Geling A, Lenhard B and Becker TS.
Genomic Regulatory Blocks Encompass Multiple Neighboring Genes and Maintain Conserved Synteny in Vertebrates. Genome Research. 2007 May;17(5):545-55.
- Faraco JH, Appelbaum L, Marin W, Gaus SE, Mourrain P, Mignot E. Regulation of hypocretin (orexin) expression in embryonic zebrafish. J. Biol. Chem. 2006 Oct 6;281(40):29753-61.
- Pézeron G, Anselme I, Laplante M, Ellingsen S, Becker TS, Rosa FM, Charnay P, Schneider-Maunoury S, Mourrain P, Ghislain J. Duplicate sfrp1 genes in zebrafish: sfrp1a is dynamically expressed in the developing central nervous system, gut and lateral line. Gene Expr. Patterns. 2006 Oct;6(8):835-42.
- Probst AV, Fagard M, Proux F, Mourrain P, Boutet S, Murfett J, Furner I, Vaucheret H and Mittelsten Scheid O. Arabidopsis histone deacetylase HDA6 is required for maintenance of transcriptional gene silencing and determines DNA methylation and nuclear organization of rDNA repeats. Plant Cell. 2004. 16(4): 1021-34.
- Aoki TO, David NB, Minchiotti G, Saint-Etienne L, Dickmeis T, Persico GM, Strähle U, Mourrain P and Rosa FM. Molecular integration of casanova in the Nodal signalling pathway controlling endoderm formation. Development. 2002; 129(2): 275-286.
- Morel JB, Godon C, Mourrain P, Béclin C, Boutet S, Feuerbach F, Proux F and Vaucheret H. Fertile hypomorphic ARGONAUTE (ago1) mutants impaired in post-transcriptional gene silencing and virus resistance. Plant Cell. 2002; 14(3):629-639.
- Dickmeis T*, Mourrain P*, Saint-Etienne L, Fischer N, Aanstad P, Clark M, Strähle U and Rosa F. A crucial component of the endoderm formation pathway, casanova, is encoded by a novel sox-related gene. Genes & Development. 2001; 15(12): 1487-1492. * Co-first Authors
- Dickmeis T, Aanstad P, Clark M, Fischer N, Herwing R, Mourrain P, Blader P, Rosa F, Lehrach H and Strähle U. Identification of Nodal signalling targets by array analysis of induced complex probes. Developmental Dynamics. 2001; 222(4): 571-580.
- Morel JB*, Mourrain P*, Beclin C and Vaucheret H. DNA methylation and chromatin structure mutants affect both transcriptional and post-transcriptional transgene silencing in Arabidopsis. Current Biology. 2000; 10(24): 1591-1594. * Co-first Authors
- Mourrain P, Beclin C, Elmayan T, Feuerbach F, Godon C, Morel JB, Jouette D, Lacombe AM, Nikic S, Picault N, Remoue K, Sanial M, Vo TA and Vaucheret H. Arabidopsis SGS2 and SGS3 genes are required for posttranscriptional gene silencing and natural virus resistance. Cell. 2000; 101(5):533-542.
- Marathe R, Smith TH, Anandalakshmi R, Bowman LH, Fagard M, Mourrain P, Vaucheret H and Vance VB. Plant viral suppressors of post-transcriptional silencing do not suppress transcriptional silencing. Plant Journal. 2000; 22:51-59.
- Elmayan T, Balzergue S, Beon F, Bourdon V, Daubremet J, Guenet Y, Mourrain P, Palauqui JC, Vernhettes S, Vialle T, Wostrikoff K and Vaucheret H. Arabidopsis mutants impaired in cosuppression. Plant Cell. 1998; 10(10):1747-1758.
- Vaucheret H, Beclin C, Elmayan T, Feuerbach F, Godon C, Morel JB, Mourrain P, Palauqui JC and Vernhettes S. Transgene-induced gene silencing in plants. Plant Journal. 1998; 16(6):651-659.
- Mourrain P, Lasa I, Gautreau A, Gouin E, Pugsley A and Cossart P. ActA is a dimer. PNAS. 1997; 94(19):10034-9.
- Bruneau S, Mourrain P and Rosa FM. Expression of contact, a new zebrafish DVR member, marks mesenchymal cell lineages in the developing pectoral fins and head and is regulated by retinoic acid. Mechanisms of Development. 1997; 65(1-2):163-173.
- Vaucheret H, Palauqui JC, Mourrain P and Elmayan T. Nitrite reductase and nitrite reductase as target to study gene silencing phenomena in transgenic plants. Euphytica. 1997; 00:195-200.
- Vaucheret H, Mourrain P, Robalo JC and Pollien JM. Nitrite reductase silencing as a tool for selecting spontaneous haploid plants. Plant Cell Reports. 1995; 15:12-16.
Pioneering publications by Dr. Mourrain and colleagues of key genes encoding RNA dependent RNA polymerase and Argonaute for dsRNA amplification and processing fundamental for posttranscriptional gene silencing, RNA interference and natural virus resistance were recognized in Professor Andrew Fire's Nobel Lecture on December 8, 2006.
Book Chapters
- David NB, Mourrain P and Rosa F. Endoderm formation in zebrafish. Molecular Aspects in Fish and Marine Biology. Fish Development and Genetics. 2004: 424-453.
- Mourrain P, Beclin C and Vaucheret H. Are gene silencing mutants good tools for reliable transgenes expression or reliable of endogenous genes in Plants? Genetic Engeneering, principles & methods. (N Y). 2000; 22:155-170.
- Vaucheret H, Elmayan T, Mourrain P and Palauqui JC. Analysis of a tobacco transgene locus that triggers both transcriptional and posttranscriptional silencing. Epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 1996; 403-414.