- 2022 Awaad R (invited keynote speaker) “Religion and Suicide Prevention in Muslim Mental Health" European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health. Amsterdam, June 2nd, 2022
- 2021 Awaad R (Chair), McLaughlin M, Hashem H, Langroud K, Ikizler A. “Seeking Help While Being Othered: The Effect of Islamophobia and Discrimination on Muslims Living in the United States” Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy Annual Meeting (virtual), November 19th 2021
- 2021 Awaad R., Bacon Sarah, Bateman Jennifer. “Talking Prevention Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Faith and Community Setting: Two Part Series” Invited as Expert Panelist for a joint CDC/HHS webinar. October 19th and November 11th, 2021
- 2021 Awaad R., “Suicide in Muslim Communities” Briefing for the State of Colorado Suicide Prevention Commission. October 29th, 2021
- 2021 Awaad R. (Co-Chair), Adam B, Abbasi F, Hoq R, Arshid S. “Clinical Perspectives: The Mental Health Challenges Facing Muslim Youth in the Era of COVID-19” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Meeting. October 26th, 2021
- 2021 Khan F, Awaad R, Elzamzamy K, Keshavarzi H. Symposium: “Omission of Muslim/Arab Contributions to Psychology From Research and Academia: Systemic Injustice?” American Psychological Association Annual Conference (virtual) August, 2021
- 2021 Awaad R. (Chair), Aboukar M, Mansuri Z, Maghraby R. “Terror, Tactics, Trauma and Transformation: Islamophobia & Mental Health Sequelae” American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting (virtual), May 1st, 2021
- 2021 Awaad R. (Invited Plenary Speaker) “The Influence of Early Muslim Physicians and Classical Islamic Scholars on the Development of Modern Psychiatry” The Conference on Medicine and Religion, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH March 24th, 2021
- 2020 Awaad R. (Plenary Speaker) “The Influence of Early Muslim Physicians and Classical Islamic Scholars on the Development of Modern Psychiatry” The Conference on Medicine and Religion, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- 2020 Awaad R. (Invited Keynote) “Islamic Mental Health Bioethics” 5th Annual International Bioethics Symposium, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- 2020 Awaad R, Ali S. “Engaging Bay Area Muslim Communities in Mental Health Communities” Advancing Muslim American Health Priorities (A-MAP) Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- 2020 Awaad R., Nsour R, Daoud M. “Understanding Emotional and Spiritual Wellness” Khalil Center, Muslim Community Association, Santa Clara, CA
- 2020 Awaad R, Riaz T, Purmel M. “Insights into the Psychological Sequelae of Spiritual Abuse in Muslim Communities” Hurma Project, American Islamic College, Chicago, IL
- 2020 Awaad R. “Establishing Practical Spirituality” Weekly Discussion Circle of Islam and Spirituality, CIRCLE, Stanford University
- 2020 Peteet J, Jones-Bourne J, Awaad R, Mirhom M, Fung A. “Models for Addressing Religiously Based Mental Health Stigma” American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting (virtual) April 27th, 2020
- 2020 Awaad R. “Muslim Mental Health” Harvard University School of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital Psychiatry Grand Rounds, virtual.
- 2020 Awaad R. (Invited Keynote) “Islamic Mental Health Bioethics” 5th Annual International Bioethics Symposium, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- 2020 Awaad R, Ali S. “Engaging Bay Area Muslim Communities in Mental Health Communities” Advancing Muslim American Health Priorities (A-MAP) Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
- 2020 Awaad R, Riaz T, Purmel M. “Insights into the Psychological Sequelae of Spiritual Abuse in Muslim Communities” Hurma Project, American Islamic College, Chicago, IL
- 2019 Awaad R. (invited keynote) “A Millennium before DSM-5: OCD in Al-Balkhi’s 9th Century Sustenance of the Body and Soul”, Islamic Perspectives in Modern Psychology International Conference, Lahore, Pakistan
- 2019 Awaad R. (invited keynote) "Islamophobia and Public Mental Health: Lessons Learned from Community Engagement Projects", XXXVIth International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Rome, Italy
- 2019 Awaad R. (Session Chair), Abbasi, F., Adam, B. “Treating Muslim Patients Post-Travel Ban: Best Practices in using the APA Muslim Mental Health Toolkit”, 175th American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
- 2019 Awaad R. (Session Chair), Abbasi, F., Keshavarzi, H., Nsour, R. “Imams in Mental Health: Caring for Themselves While Caring for Others”, 175th American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
- 2019 Awaad R. (invited panelist) Abdullah, T., Jirmanus, L., “Bridging Health Care Disparities and Mental Health”, American Muslim Health Professionals National Public Health Conference, Harvard School of Medicine, Boston, MA
- 2019 Awaad R. (invited keynote) “Islam and Cross-Cultural Competence”, Association of Muslim Chaplains Conference, Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT
- 2019 Awaad R. (invited panelist) “Spirituality: A Cornerstone in Building Mental Health Friendly Communities”, 3rd Annual California Mental Health and Spirituality Conference (Northern Region Statewide), Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church, Walnut Creek, CA
- 2019 Awaad R., Ali S. “A Roadmap to Engaging Muslim Communities in Mental Health”, 11th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference, Tempe, AZ
- 2019 Awaad R. “Islamophobia and Psychiatry Book Talk”, 11th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference, Tempe, AZ
- 2019 Awaad R. (invited keynote), “Clergy Burnout and Mental Health”, Pastors Mental Health Symposium, Brother’s Church, San Jose, CA
- 2018 Awaad R. (invited panelist), Islam, F. “Pregnancy and Muslim Mental Health” and “Compassion Fatigue and Burnout from the Islamic Perspective”, Keynote Address for the Canadian Muslim Mental Health Conference, University of Toronto School of Medicine, Toronto, Canada
- 2018 Awaad R. “Training the Trainers: Offering Refugees in Amman Culturally-Congruent Mental Health Care”, Emory University, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Atlanta, GA
- 2018 Awaad R. (invited keynote) “Perspectives of Mental Health from Historical Muslim Scholarly Tradition” Ibn Khaldun University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 2018 Awaad R. (invited keynote) “Islamic Psychology: Historical Perspectives, Modern Clinical Implementations” Association of Islamic Psychology Conference, Zaim University, Istanbul, Turkey
- 2018 Ansari, B., Awaad R., Keshavarzi, H., York, C. “A Millennium Before DSM-5: OCD in Al-Balkhi's 9th Century Sustenance of the Body and Soul” American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
- 2018 Abbasi, F., Awaad R., Balkozar, A., Elkomy, F. “Struggles and Strife: Treating American Muslim Youth in 2018”. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, WA
- 2018 Awaad R., Gutiérrez, M., Hutchinson, J. “Overcoming Cultural Barriers to Access” Stanford Adolescents Mental Wellness Conference, Santa Clara convention center, Santa Clara, CA
- 2017 Awaad R. “Islamic Considerations from a Muslim Psychiatrist,” USCF Psychiatry Grand Rounds, San Francisco, CA
- 2017 Awaad R. Keshavarzi, H., Nsour, R., Ali, B. “Islamic Models of Nurturing Spiritual and Psychological Health.” New York University, Manhattan, NY.
- 2017 Awaad R. “Islamophobia and Impact on UCCs.” 10th Annual Multicultural Training Day, San Jose University Counseling and Psychological Services, San Jose, CA
- 2017 Awaad R. “Culturally Competent Therapy with Muslim Americans.” CAPS Faculty training, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA
- 2017 Awaad R. “Mental Health in Muslim Communities” Harvard HarTS Symposium, Harvard T.H. Chan University School of Public Health. Boston, MA (invited lecture)
- 2017 Awaad R. “Faith, Mental Health and DSM-5” Northern California Psychiatric Society Annual Conference. Napa, CA (invited lecture)
- 2017 Awaad, R., Ali, S., Quadri, N., Chase, Christine. “Muslim Community Association and Stanford Muslims and Mental Health Lab: strengthening an emerging CBPR collaboration.” Poster presented at the 15th Annual Stanford Community Health Symposium, Stanford, CA.
- 2016 Awaad R. “The Relationship between Health and Religion” for the Muslim Women Breast Screening Project by the Initiative on Islam and Religion. University of Chicago- Chicago, IL
- 2016 Awaad R. “Muslim Mental Health” By invitation of President Obama and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Sylvia Burwell. Presented at a convening at the Department of Health in Washington, DC.
- 2016 Awaad R. “A Can of Worms: Teaching Content while Respecting Process in a Culture and Spirituality Course.” 1st International Congress on Religious-Spiritual Counseling. Istanbul, Turkey
- 2016 Awaad R. “A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Muslims' Responses to the Chapel Hill Shootings: Reactions, Coping, and Impact” at the Islamophobia Conference, University of California, Berkeley, CA
- 2016 Awaad R. Bandstra, B. “A Can of Worms: Teaching Content while Respecting Process in a Culture and Spirituality Course”. Conference on Medicine and Religion, Houston, TX
- 2016 Awaad R. “A Millennium before DSM: al-Balkhi on Obsessional Disorders” Conference on Medicine and Religion, Houston, TX
- 2016 Awaad R. & Ali, S. “Brain-Based Therapy and Trauma: A Culturally-Congruent Approach for Refugees in Jordan.” 14th Annual Community Health Symposium, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
- 2015 Awaad R. “Brain Based Therapy and Trauma: A Culturally Congruent Approach to Refugees in Jordan” Muslim Mental Health Conference, Dearborn, MI
- 2014 Awaad R, Bisharat K. Empowered Women's Health: Nourishing Our Bodies, Caring for Ourselves. 7th Annual Arab Women’s Conference, Arab Cultural and Community Center, San Francisco
- 2013 Awaad R, Fisher A, Rasgon N. Development of the Muslims’ Perceptions and Attitudes to Mental Health (M-PAMH) Scale. Poster at the 166th American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA.
- 2013 Awaad R. Perceptions of Mental Illness among American Muslim Women. Presented at the International Congress of Early Career Psychiatrists. Cairo, Egypt.
- 2009 Awaad R, Kenna H, Rasgon N. Perceptions of Mental Health Disorders in American Muslim Women. Poster at 162nd American Psychiatric Association Annual meeting. San Francisco, CA.
- 2009 Awaad R, Kenna H, Rasgon N. Perceptions of Mental Health Disorders in American Muslim Women. Presented at the Muslim Mental Health Conference, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI.