Research Scientists
Michael Bachmann, MD, ScD
Research Scientist, Molecular Biophotonics and Imaging Laboratory (MBIL)
Doctor of Science (Sc.D.)
Dept. of Cancer Biology, Harvard School of Public Health, 1986-96
Medical Doctor (M.D.)
J.Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany 1985-86
Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK, 1984-85
J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 1979-84
Gene Technology Research Fellowship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), 1986-89
Contact Information:
Clark Center - BioX, Rm. E150
318 Campus Drive West
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA 94305-5427
Phone: 650-498-7247
Fax: 650-725-7724
Research Interests:
Dr. Bachmann is focussing on the in vivo genomic analysis of immune surveillance of cancer and transplant rejection.
Recent Publications:
- Liu H, Patel MR, Prescher JA, Patsialou A, Qian D, Lin J, Wen S, Chang YF, Bachmann MH, Shimono Y, Dalerba P, Adorno M, Lobo N, Bueno J, Dirbas FM, Goswami S, Somlo G, Condeelis J, Contag CH, Gambhir SS, Clarke MF. Cancer stem cells from human breast tumors are involved in spontaneous metastases in orthotopic mouse models. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Oct 19;107(42):18115-20.
- Patel MR, Chang YF, Chen IY, Bachmann MH, Yan X, Contag CH, Gambhir SS. Longitudinal, noninvasive imaging of T-cell effector function and proliferation in living subjects. Cancer Res. 2010 Dec 15;70(24):10141-9.
- Varghese V, Wang E, Babrzadeh F, Bachmann MH, Shahriar R, Liu T, Mappala SJ, Gharizadeh B, Fessel WJ, Katzenstein D, Kassaye S, Shafer RW. Nucleic acid template and the risk of a PCR-Induced HIV-1 drug resistance mutation. PLoS One. 2010 Jun 7;5(6):e10992.
- Reuman EC, Bachmann MH, Varghese V, Fessel WJ, Shafer RW. Panel of prototypical raltegravir-resistant infectious molecular clones in a novel integrase-deleted cloning vector. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2010 Feb;54(2):934-6.
- Thorne SH, Barak Y, Liang W, Bachmann MH, Rao J, Contag CH, Matin A. CNOB/ChrR6, a new prodrug enzyme cancer chemotherapy. Mol Cancer Ther. 2009 Feb;8(2):333-41.
- Varghese V, Mitsuya Y, Shahriar R, Bachmann MH, Fessel WJ, Kagan RM, Shafer RW. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolates with the reverse transcriptase (RT) mutation Q145M retain nucleoside and nonnucleoside RT inhibitor susceptibility. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2009 May;53(5):2196-8.
- Varghese V, Shahriar R, Rhee SY, Liu T, Simen BB, Egholm M, Hanczaruk B, Blake LA, Gharizadeh B, Babrzadeh F, Bachmann MH, Fessel WJ, Shafer RW. Minority variants associated with transmitted and acquired HIV-1 nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistance: implications for the use of second-generation nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009 Nov 1;52(3):309-15.
- Nguyen VH, Shashidhar S, Chang DS, Ho L, Kambham N, Bachmann M, Brown JM, Negrin RS.. The impact of regulatory T cells on T-cell immunity following hematopoietic cell transplantation.. Blood. 2008;111(2):945-53.
- O'Connell-Rodwell CE, Mackanos MA, Simanovskii D, Cao YA, Bachmann MH, Schwettman HA, Contag CH.. In vivo analysis of heat-shock-protein-70 induction following pulsed laser irradiation in a transgenic reporter mouse.. J Biomed Opt.. 2008;13(2):030501.
- Cao YA, Bachmann MH, Beilhack A, Yang Y, Tanaka M, Swijnenburg RJ, Reeves R, Taylor-Edwards C, Schulz S, Doyle TC, Fathman CG, Robbins RC, Herzenberg LA, Negrin RS, Contag CH. Molecular Imaging Using Labeled Donor Tissues Reveals Patterns of Engraftment, Rejection, and Survival in Transplantation. Transplantation. 2005;80(1):134-139.
- Contag CH, Bachmann MH. Molecular medicine: the writing is on the vessel wall. Nature. 2004;429(6992):618-9.
- Shachaf CM, Kopelman AM, Arvanitis C, Karlsson A, Beer S, Mandl S, Bachmann MH, Borowsky AD, Ruebner B, Cardiff RD, Yang Q, Bishop JM, Contag CH, Felsher DW.. MYC inactivation uncovers pluripotent differentiation and tumour dormancy in hepatocellular cancer. Nature. 2004;431(7012):1112-7.